
"jeanie" #fundie stupidevilbastard.com

A vote for Obama is a vote for pure evil

Don’t concern yourself over who is going to bomb who when the Lord Jesus Christ starts showing his power and brings his wrath down on America for voting for the devil himself (in men like Obama who murders babies by voting for late term abortion) first comes war---then famine.

Read Lamentatins in the O.T. on people dying from famine and wishing they had died by the sword.

Obama has no power, nor do any of the enimies of God, all we get to do with God is obey him

If you don’t want the famine which will surely follow if you vote for Obama, then don’t vote for Obama

mookie #fundie stupidevilbastard.com

[Post has been converted from all caps to all lower case for your sanity]

there is no such thing as gay christians!!!!! you cant believe in god and live a known life of sin!!!! saying your a christian wont get you into heaven!!! if it doesnt burn your hands to touch a bible, try reading romans 1:24-27. paying close attention to verse 27, or try leviticus 18:22!! the “friendly” atheist!?!?!? lets not discuss athiests. those who knowingly separate themselves from god, living their lives as if he doesnt exist, while calling christians and believers alike hypocrites. whos the real hypocrite?

Melanie Stephan #fundie stupidevilbastard.com

Jesus is not a Hindu woman. Or any other person that has a mark on their forehead. He is not a Muslum either. How do I know? He came to New York and talked to me. That is right. He has returned, but not in body. Jesus talked to me in the spring of 2006. I have proof. I will say that again, I don’t have faith, I have proof. This is not at lie or a joke. Jesus really has returned. He talke to me. I am Melanie Stephan.

Kent Hovind #fundie stupidevilbastard.com

Though modern science rejects creationism, which holds that the human race can be traced to a talking snake and a spare human rib, Hovind stresses it requires even more faith to believe in evolution.

He notes evolution’s failure to explain the origins of gravity or the reason why man has yet to see evidence to support the theory.

But Hovind says his aim is greater than disproving evolution. He believes students indoctrinated with modern science will eventually lose their fear in God and possibly be prone to breaking common laws. Conscience and a sophisticated understanding of the human condition is not enough.

“Hitler killed the Jews because he thought they hadn’t evolved far enough,” Hovind said. “The lion kills the zebra, and evolution teaches kids that they are animals. So how are they going to understand right from wrong?”

Gunny #fundie stupidevilbastard.com

Bah! This is an example of Pharasee, not a real Christian. Real Christians aren’t so stupid to not know that someday Halloween will fall upon Sunday. And you guys might as well back off of Christians, people have been attacking Christian (don’t think that the times of Christiandom are any different) for 2000 years so give us a break! If you want an example of people attacking Christianity in America, look no further than this site! People continually attack the saying of Merry Christmas! Good greif! Get your hands off of trying to beat up Christians!

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