
jim #fundie #wingnut tehachapinews.com

The Democrat Communist Party, which wants morally corrupted youth, and a morally corrupted society which is too blind to see the moral corruption of the Democrat Party.

Athiests, criminals, perverts, smut and porn peddlers such as Hollywood, the ACLU.

Homosexuals who insist on practicing feces tube dwelling, an abomination to Christianity.

Lesbians who insist on doing their dildo and other acts on women.

Big government fanatics who want to replace God with themselves.

samheath #fundie tehachapinews.com

If anyone sticks up for traditional marriage and opposes the homosexual agenda of same sex so-called “marriage” they are labeled “homophobic,” though the term is patently ridiculous in view of the fact a phobia is an irrational fear and who is actually irrationally afraid of homosexuals? The normal revulsion sexually normal people feel for perversion is just that; normal. The words perversion and normal are still there in ordinary dictionaries apart from dictionaries of Behavioral Science and no amount of laws passed are going to make sexually normal people well-disposed toward perverts or accept perverts can be “married” in any normal sense of the word.

Who expects Mexico to launch a space shuttle, build a base on the moon and go to Mars? That this kind of scientific and technological expertise is the purview of only the most educated and advanced nations should speak volumes to the logical mind. And are those who do not expect Mexico or the nations in Africa to participate in launching space shuttles or colonize the moon and Mars all “racists?” I don’t think so. But where was the logic to be found in a Supreme Court that for the sake of “equality” demanded the schools be desegregated when such a Draconian decision was bound to have the unintended consequence of white flight and the attendant evils visited upon an entire system of education throughout America?

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