
Dane Wigington #conspiracy thelibertybeacon.com

The Jet Stream Can and Is Being Manipulated And Steered With Ionosphere Heating Installations (HAARP). Alaska HAARP facility shown below, there are dozens of major ground based ionosphere heater installations around the globe along with countless additional smaller weather modification rf transmitting towers.

The Geoengineers Are Going For Broke

In 2013 the parade of engineered winter storms began with winter storm “Atlas”. This theatrical name (courtesy of the Weather Channel) added to the spin potential of this orchestrated weather event. Since the Rothschild’s have taken control of the Weather Channel (and a number of other weather forecast agencies) it appears the primary function of this agency is to spin weather events that are completely unnatural,absurd, and totally engineered, into something the public can accept as “normal”.

Roger Landry #conspiracy thelibertybeacon.com

So you refuse to get vaccinated, and will never allow vaccines in the system of the children you love and care for so much — Hmmm, sorry but you have little choice in the matter. No I am not talking about mandatory or forced vaccinations — Look — up in the sky — it’s a bird — it’s a plane — no — it’s a delivery system for vaccines that you are not even aware of, never agreed to, and probably never would consent to, but your consent is not sought and was never considered!

Sure you can avoid vaccines by saying no to your doctor while withstanding his browbeating and derogatory comments, by finding employment with a company that does not make them a condition of employment, by not putting your children in daycare or by home schooling them — BUT YOU DO HAVE TO BREATH — GOTCHA — !!!

TLB has propagated a lot of information heralding the use of GMO foods as an alternative delivery system for vaccines, but also using atmospheric spraying (chemtrails) to bypass the rising awareness and push-back of people like you and I, is a subject we do not discuss enough, and it is a reality. You WILL be subjected to the mechanism of vaccines whether you like it or not!

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