
aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

Won't it be great when Obergefell v Hodges, Lawrence v Texas and Roe v Wade (and let's not forget Obamacare) will be repealed under a President Ted Cruz and you secular humanists will no longer have a monopoly on immoral legislation?

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

I am a HETEROSEXUAL man and I don't molest little girls/teenage ones, or anyone for that matter.

Sigh, now if only a HOMOSEXUAL male would come forward and tell us that he doesn't buggerize little boys/teenage boys or anyone for that matter, showing us that he is not like homosexual icons Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, David Thorstadt, Harvey Milk , Peter Tatchell, etc. etc. etc.

Who will be the first to come forward?

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

Anyone who really loves God doesn't go against His Word (and God warns about homosexual behavior numerous times in Scripture). Anyone who truly loves his neighbor would legislate righteous laws to protect them from this extremely harmful behavior known as homosexuality.

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

I was in the SoDo District of Seattle (South of Downtown) yesterday and looked out the window to see this:


Starbucks marked the 40th anniversary of Seattle Pride by raising an enormous 800 square foot rainbow flag over its headquarters...

So the next time you're putting a cup of overpriced Starbucks coffee up to your lips, think about all the disease, misery and death that the corporation you're supporting is causing.

Lon #fundie theologyonline.com

Separation of Church and state today means atheism

Then why not just let people rob steal and kill then? I believe we do start with God but people are trying to separate church and state.

Honestly, this is what that is: It is censorship of Christianity and Judaism. It is a denial of our unalienable rights, and it is a rewriting of our Constitution and history as a nation.

Why? Because everyone votes that morals must be upheld unless it is one held by a Christian or Jew. Then it is not allowed: separation of church and state.

So, who is controlling our country over such? --> Everyone against Christians and other religions.

We've turned over our nation to people who are now turning around and saying "Get out! You are not welcome here." That's separation of church and state and what it means today.

rocketman #fundie theologyonline.com

Such is the way with the moral relativist...no benchmarks, no standards, just whatever feels right at the moment to them. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc. would have been proud...they also subscribed to the same relative sense of morality, or lack thereof.

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

I kinda feel sorry for those "home grown-clean living" homosexuals that you constantly talk about Al, as this information is giving them a bad reputation. I just wish that a "home grown-clean living" homosexual would come forward and tell us that there is no promiscuity, no violence, no misery in his and whathisname's long term (3 week) relationship.

Gosh, if Chuck were here he'd tell us that the only violence in his relationship is the knife that's going to be taken to his boyfriend's genital area by a quack of a doctor.

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

Please show us how your secular humanist ideas are better for society than Judeo-Christian doctrine?

Here, let me help:

*56 million unborn babies murdered in the womb in a 41 year period.
*Children as young as 13 years old contracting AIDS from their homosexual edlers.
*No-fault divorce resulting in fatherless homes, causing children to turn to drugs and crime.
Etc etc etc.

musterion #fundie theologyonline.com

A proposition for homosexuals


We want the word gay returned to us. It's a perfectly fine word but it can no longer be used as intended, because of you. Our children cannot enjoy singing along with the theme to The Flintstones, as we used to do, without mumbling in shame or laughing out loud at that part of the lyrics. In American History classes, teachers can never discuss "The Gay Nineties" without adding an awkward, distracting caveat.

In exchange, we offer you the full, free and exclusive use of festive. Even though we know it doesn't really fit you any better than gay, we never use it so it's just sitting around gathering dust. As a bonus, we'll throw in flamboyant and fabulous, which you've already annexed anyway.

Please consider this offer. Thanks.


At least 98% of the world's population

aCultureWarrior #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth theologyonline.com

[aCultureWarrior has a bit of a meltdown and discusses me and my partner]

Well then, I guess besides being a lying (or to paraphrase annabenedettttti 'LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!') coward, who is a closet fag that molests children, I'm also a adulterer.

Wait, I forgot something:

'and and and I'm pro choice too!'

That being said, I'm certain that the drag queen homosexual who is engaged to a man that plans on having genital mutilation surgery to become a woman, is sitting back in his pantyhose and hi heels smiling knowing that there are Christians out there that believe he has some kind of "right" to teach America's children, to work in daycare facilities, or to mentor youth in the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or the rest of the long list of youth mentor organizations that have allowed openly (i.e. proud and unrepentant) homosexuals into their organizations.

aCultureWarrior #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming theologyonline.com

You made a wise choice not to talk about the current topic Art:

What happens when homosexuals are allowed to adopt,

as child molestation is very difficult to defend.

That being said: You forgot a very important word in your mockery of Phil Robertson:

"Marry" (as in "marry them before they're 20").

As I told The Mother Hen in another thread:

What was Phil thinking? Girls should go out and experience life. Sleep around, have a few abortions, shack up with a guy or 3, and then if you think you've found the right one, marry him. Of course if that doesn't work out, there is always no fault divorce and you can go your own separate ways with no questions asked.

Sounds like a pretty good alternative to marrying at a younger age, having children, and being faithful to your spouse (and God) for the rest of your life doesn't it Art?

Angel4Truth #fundie theologyonline.com

To be a christian requires a direct interaction with God, and a sealing by the Spirit upon trust -so unless the "used to be a christian" crowd is willing to say they were once mentally ill, they either never met God, or they are a liar who know Him and reject Him anyway because they don't like His way vs their own.

One can deny they met someone, but they cannot make it a reality. They either met them or they didn't.

Nick M #fundie theologyonline.com

[Should Heterosexual Non Marital Sex Be Criminalized?]

Yes, fornication should be re-criminalized. I fixed your statement for you. It needs to be re-criminalized, not criminalized. Same with adultery.

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

[on a lesbian being assaulted by an anti-gay protester]

The guy that assaulted the lesbo had no more right to assault her than he did someone that proudly displays that they are having a incestuous or bestial relationship (i.e. the law protects those kind of people from assault as well).

If the law were righteously enforced, then the lesbo wouldn't be running around showing off her perversion, and hence most likely wouldn't be attacked.

As it is, the rate of domestic violence is very high inside the sodomite so-called "community", so violence isn't anything new to those that partake in the homosexual lifestyle.

Regarding the assault against the street preacher:

As I've shown in another thread [this one, WHMBR!], the silencing of Christians that speak out against homosexuality (or anyone for that matter, they don't have to be Christian) and the agenda that goes along with it is a mainstay of a well organized movement. The white gorilla and the cute little lesbos that were involved in the melee were just following their gaystapo "marching orders".

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

Why don't you come forward and let us know what the typical day in the life of a proud and unrepentant homosexual is Uncle Al?

As I wrote in another post in part 1, I imagine it would go something like this:

Wakeup and fix yourself an AIDS cocktail (shaken not stirred).

Sit outside elementary school in car watching 6 year old boys play at recess.

Have lunch in McDonald's Playland, watching 5 year old boys play.

Watch Andy Cooper 360 for inspiration, knowing that if a fag like Andy can make the big time, you can too.

Cruise some public restroom's looking for love (in all the right places).

Go home and spend the rest of the evening alone, knowing that your lifestyle is broken and without hope....


You repent and ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior.

aCultureWarrior #fundie #homophobia theologyonline.com

More on the Boy Scouts considering not denying membership to youth on the basis of sexual orientation.

From the memo above:

“For this reason, the Executive Committee, on behalf of the National Executive Board, wrote a resolution for consideration that would remove the restriction denying membership to youth on the basis of sexual orientation alone and would maintain the current membership policy for all adult leaders of the Boy Scouts of America. The voting members will take action on the resolution during the Boy Scouts of America’s National Annual Meeting on May 23, 2013.”

First of all, is anyone else bothered that society, and especially a youth mentor organization that was founded on biblical values, is accepting the term “gay youth”? These children need spiritual and pyschological guidance to help them become free from this perversion known as homosexuality, not being told that it’s a legitimate behavior.

Secondly, let’s say that 12 year old Timmy, who was adopted by Adam and Steve at age 2, sodomized by them or their homosexual friends at age 5, and told by his ‘parents’ and the culture he is raised in that homosexual behavior is perfectly normal and hence turns out to be a proud and unrepentant homosexual himself, what kind of message is that sending to the other Boy Scouts?

Let’s say that little Timmy stays with the Scouts and in his upper teens makes it to the rank of Eagle Scout, will he be allowed to mentor younger Scouts, including going on overnight campouts with them?

Of course the homosexual movement won’t just accept the fact that “gay youth” will be accepted into the BSA (if the BSA should decide to go that route in May), as that would be “discriminatory”, thus the lawsuits will continue against the BSA.

Like everything that homosexuality touches, should the Boy Scouts decide to change their once biblical foundation to allow people that are proud of their immoral behavior into their organization, the Boy Scouts of America will die a slow agonizing death.

Angel4Truth #fundie theologyonline.com

[on the problem of gays having sex "in wedlock"]

Sure it would be a problem, since even gays admit that most are far from monogamous and the tax payers are then on the hook for all the special diseases they get from their open sexuality.

Then we would also have to support the polygamists, etc.. to ensure they can marry those they 'love' so that the non consenting adults are stick helping to pay for them all and their many children.

Think taxes are out of control now? just wait.

RevTestament #fundie theologyonline.com

[On MicroSoft's same-sex wedding commercial]

When your market share is shrinking, and desperation is settling in, I guess no segment can be "overlooked" esp one which is expanding at an alarming rate - hey maybe they'll hire me if I market to terrorists!

The Glory Land #fundie theologyonline.com

Gangs has cause much damage to the US but this gay movement will bring America to its knees, in less then twenty years. The blessing of the Lord, will go to Africa.Where a strong faith movement is growing right now. America will be more perverted then Europe, are lands will sink away. I hope you're writting all this down. : (

aCultureWarrior #homophobia theologyonline.com

[aCultureWarrior explains to alwight why all homosexuals should be criminalised because of the actions of a few.]

Let me explain about the Homosexual Collective a different way alwight.

Let's say you and your boyfriend live in the US and you wanted to get married (in some states for now, more will follow). Because "some" militiant homosexual activists became involved in the culture and political scene, all that you and your boyfriend would have to do is go get a marriage license.

The same goes with Education; you can become a openly homosexual teacher because of what "some" militant homosexual activists did.

The Church; you can become a homosexual pastor in many churches because of what "some" militant homosexual activists did.

Government: You can hold political office because of what "some" militant homosexual activists did.

The Military: You can join the military as an openly homosexual male or female (activists are currently working on allowing transsexuals into the military as well) because of what "some" militant homosexual activists did.

The list goes on and on.

Are you starting to get the picture, or are you still going to play dumb alwight?

godrulz #fundie theologyonline.com

You can co-opt the term [evangelical] and redefine it, but it should be used as popular culture and historical Christianity use it (reserved for us, not every false religion under the sun). It is more than any false set of beliefs or those who share some sort of belief system. It is the Good News of Christ, not the bad news of Buddhism. Evangelical Muslim would also sound like an oxymoron and they have the integrity to not blur the distinction or create confusion. Christian Buddhist may be possible in a Buddhist's mind, but it is not a biblical option for a true Christian (Eph. 1:3; 2 Peter 1:3; Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; Rom. 10:9-10).

Religions, including Buddhism, have behavioral truths in common with Christianity. Christianity (biblical, historical, orthodox) alone has redemptive truth leading to eternal life (Jn. 3:16; Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; Rom. 1:16; I Jn. 5:11-13).

Buddhism is bankrupt and false since Buddha is dead, was not Deity, did not rise from the dead, denies the existence of a personal God, denies reality of sin and need for a sinless Savior, etc. It may be a world religion or popular fad for some, but it is not revelatory truth (in fact it is demonically energized leading to deception of millions).

Angel4Truth #fundie theologyonline.com

Its you that cannot do math, if 1 percent of homos are pedos, and the population of homos is 4 percent, then 1 of every 4 is a pedo.

*i say more than that though, its not like pedos come right out and admit what they are!

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

Once again you have to realize that like thieves, there is a certain "honor code" amongst perverts.

When it comes to thievery, the shoplifter doesn't turn in the burglar, as who is he to talk, his behavior is just as immoral as the burglars.

The same with sexual deviants; while "man-boy love" might not be every homosexuals "thing", who are they to talk when their actions are just as immoral as the pederast.

Inzl Kett #fundie #homophobia theologyonline.com

Don't you love it, when they try to equate hating sinful behavior with hating the person?

The reason why I hate homosexuality and read very carefully! It is a behavior that marks rebellion against God and rejection of His word!

Homosexuality and its attendant behaviors--crossdressing etc is worship of self. Putting oneself and sexuality ahead of God. It is the most liberal Christians that whine for special protection and rights for this indecent behavior. It's not normal and it's self destructive. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that its harmful.

Trying the normalize this behavior and say it's OK is the most unloving thing you can do for someone trapped in this sin.

Let's use the example of the alcoholic:

Al loves his bottle. He takes it every where he goes. His freinds don't want to offend him or confront him about his getting drunk all the time. "He not hurting anyone", says his brother. Al spends all his personal time drinking. His freind even buy him wine and beer at social functions and weddings. He is even developing liver disease because of his habit. Despite this, Al manages to be sober enough in the morning to hold down his janitor's job. Now are Al's friend doing him any favors? Remember, this is a behavior pattern. It's debatable if given the right conditions that Al may have avoided this.

The truth is Al's family and friends are not doing him any favors by not getting him any help. That same is true of the homosexual. We have become a society of enablers. We enable people to live self destructive lifestyles instead of helping them deal with their sin.

Inzl Kett #fundie theologyonline.com

Oh yes, my son was stationed in Afghanistan, his unit witnessed a lot of the perversion that Muzzies love. They are pederasts. That hate women so much that they turn to each other for their 'fun'.

On Saturdays in Afghanistan is beach day. All the men and boys would go to the beach. My son's unit was on patrol. What they saw made them throw up. The Afghanis were having orgies with each other. The kids were not exempt.

Yeah-like Islam is so pristine.

[and a few posts later...]

My son isn't a liar. He saw those things when he was in Afghanistan.

Another gross thing his unit witnessed. It was the midnight watch and his Unit was watching with night binoculars to make sure no intruders approached the camp. There was the sound of a donkey in distress. They scanned until they found the source of the sound. Two Afghanis were with the donkey. One was in front stroking it. The other was behind the donkey with the pants down. He was doing with it what he should have been doing with his wife!

My son has developed an intense hatred for Islam after what he had witnessed Muslims doing.

Inzl Kett #fundie theologyonline.com

The sexual perversions are specifically destructive to the person and his family, unlike smoking and overeating. You don't contract STD's from cigarettes, food or beer. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that the human body is not designed for same gender intimacy. It is a dysfunction. Our country shouldn't be enabling people in this. I am not interested in debate on this. I hate the lifestyle as much as ACW does because is destroys people and above all it separates them from God.

I aint no monkey #fundie theologyonline.com

[in response to Pat Robertson being an old Earther]

It looks like he is confused, like a lot of Christians are as to what is science and what is philosophy. If it doesn’t support the Biblical account of creation, then it isn’t science, it is philosophy.

Inzl Kett #fundie #homophobia theologyonline.com

[in regards to me after I said "I'm far too good, decent, kind, and moral of a person to be associated with you, Nick, SD, or Jesus."]

His pride stands in the way of his repenting. Atheism is very common among homosexuals. Why? Because it is a worldview that does not require accountability. There is no god in atheism for the Atheist to answer to but himself, the perfect set up for a person who's life revolves around himself.

Homosexuality is the lowest form of self love that there is. Rather, it is a self obsession. The person wants or craves a lover that is like themselves. Homosexuals are selfish by nature. They don't give a darn if their lifestyle negatively impacts children or the culture at large. It is a adoration and a worship of self. Who gives a zip about others is the philosophy behind this lifestyle. Homosexuals are selfish to the point that they even want to force acceptance of their behavior on churches and privately owned businesses.

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

[Story time with aCultureWarrior]

So I'm at the fillin station and see this woman acquaintance and strike up a conversation with her saying how the gas prices have dropped as I speculated that they would so close to the election (are the American people really that stupid that they'd vote for the Marxist again because they're saving a few pennies on gasoline?). She starts talking about watching the debates and how both candidates pretty much said what they thought the people wanted to hear. Her wisdom rapidly went downhill after that.

I told her I was involved in the REJECT R-74 campaign and hundreds and hundreds of signs have been stolen across the state. She wasn't familiar with R-74, so I told her that it was to repeal the current legislation that would allow homosexuals to "marry". She gives me this odd look and talks about how she's in "the THEA-A-TAR" and "has many gay friends and also had two uncles that were gay". She continues to tell me how she hopes her boys grow up open minded and how she would approve of them if one "came out". I told her that marriage is the foundation of society and that it is founded upon Biblical principles. She stated (even though she and her family attend church) that she "didn't agree with everything in the Bible".

Not wanting to be doused by gasoline and set on fire, I held off on comments like "If Uncle Bruce and Uncle Bruce were both adulterers, into incest or bestiality, would you approve of those lifestyles as well?"

Nor did I comment on how she should be careful about allowing her two young boys to be around homosexuals, as they're notorious child molesters.

As far as her views on the Bible go, I would have loved to share this article on "ala carte Christianity" with her, perhaps I'll email it to her.

"We live in a time what could be called “ala carte” Christianity. That is, sometimes you go to a fancier restaurant and the menu will say “ala carte.” You pick and chose those parts of the menu that seem the best for you, those parts that you think you can afford. And so you chose this and this. Well, that is the way that some people feel about the Ten Commandments. They pick and chose those parts of the Ten Commandments that they want to obey. For example, I may like commandments two, three and four but commandments five, six and seven are not so attractive to me. So Christians chose which commandments are important to them..."

Stripe #fundie theologyonline.com

Y'know what's ironic? All the hatred vented at people for benign comments like "it's not OK to be gay". Not that. What's ironic is the deeper truth. It's not that homos are some sort of special target. Indeed there is a hatred that fuels me. Y'know what that hatred is? It's for adultery. It's for those that deem it OK to go out and have their way with whoever and whatever they please. I reckon if you cheat on your wife or maintain a girlfriend with no intention of honouring her, you deserve to have your junk cut off.


Not very nice, huh?

But for some reason, people get all blind with rage when someone says says something utterly benign like "If you're in a homosexual relationship, you need to leave." I get angry when adulterers destroy families.

Angel4Truth #fundie theologyonline.com

[In response to the statement, "Obviously the problem of homosexuality goes back to OT times."]

Yes, they killed them then so ill be willing to bet those who still insisted on it remained hidden or decided they weren't really that way.

Funny how the more legal it becomes, the more of them there are. I guess there would be more murderers if it were legal too.

aCultureWarrior #fundie #homophobia theologyonline.com

While public restroom sex, public park sex, bath house sex, is a huge part of the homosexual lifestyle, when I said that "they want it all", I meant that they were never content with just having deviant sex. They want so-called "rights" to marry, adopt, mentor youths, serve in the military, etc. based on an immoral, deviant yet changeable behavior.


Hence the "A" in the longer version of the LGBT acronym, LGTQQ&A: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (drag queens are part of the T by the way) Queer Questioning (for those 5 year olds that still haven't figured out their sexual "identity") and ALLIES.

The homosexual movement relies heavily on ally support. I've shown politicans that don't claim to be homosexual that have been great allies to the homosexual movement. Pride Parades (i.e. the march of the moral degenerates) have 10's of thousands of straight people that attend. Again, they are allies of the homosexual movement.

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

So there I was, sitting in Applebee's having a nice lunch (a cup of french onion soup their signature club sandwich) and lo and behold on the tv facing me 10 feet away I have to put up with being indoctrinated on the evils of homophobia by ESPN.

For those of you that haven't heard, Toronto Blue Jays shortstop Yunel Escobar had the audacity to write some miniscule word in Spanish on his eye black during a recent game that the gay gestapo deemed "homophobic". Even though Escobar apologized and lowered his moral standards into the gutter by stating that he's not homophobic and has fag friends, the tolerant child molesters at GLAAD (Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) would have nothing to do with it, and Escobar was suspended for 3 games and forced to pay the $92,000 lost in wages to GLAAD and "You Can Play", a group of proud/unrepentant homosexual athletes (all 12 of them).

What was so disgusting about the ESPN coverage is that some lisper from GLAAD sat there talking with a panel from ESPN about the evil of homophobia for a half hour (hence ruining my nice lunch) and NONE of the former athletes not once dared say a word denouncing the immoral, promiscuous, disease ridden 'deathstyle'.

Undoubtedly they wanted to keep their jobs.

MaryContrary #fundie theologyonline.com

I guess we need to clarify what it is to be persecuted then. Does it require a systematic abuse, perpetrated by a large group or government? Is one's death or torture necessary? Is it not accurate to say that Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, is currently being persecuted?

Lighthouse #fundie theologyonline.com

Just stop fornicating!
Stop having sex outside the confines of God's guidelines.

No more homosexuality.

No more abortion.

That's all that needs to be done and these things will stop.

But people don't want to give up their vices, do they? Greedy, selfish, self-centered, and thereby hypocrites.

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

[Part of a conversation with an atheist]

Let's pretend for a moment that you "like" women Gerald, and took your girlfriend/wife to a Christian church. Both of you get up from the pew to go do something elsewhere in the church, and she leaves her purse behind. Would you be worried that the purse or it's contents would be stolen?

Back to reality now. Let's say you take your boyfriend to a gay bar, and he leaves his purse on the table while you two go restroom hopping. Would you be worried about theft in that venue Gerald?

Gathering together in a House of God helps make people decent.

Oh but they do exist. Communist countries and their brutal totalitarian regimes are excellent examples of atheism at work Gerald.

I could write volumes on this topic Gerald. Where shall I start: abortion, homosexuality, pornography, recreational drug use, prostitution? Your religion has it all.

I aint no monkey #fundie theologyonline.com

The Lack of an Ancient Evolution story proves evolution isn’t true

There are creation stories, flood stories, miracle stories and God stories that go way back in time, and passed down by oral tradition and then to ancient writings, however there is no evolution story. If evolution were true we should have at least some evolution stories passed down through the generations through oral tradition that our ancestors came from the trees and from an ape like creature.

God Bless


Clete #fundie theologyonline.com

Should Public Schools Exist?

Should the government be permitted to remove children from their homes and subject the children to educational training and procedures of which the parents may or may not approve? Should citizens have their wealth expropriated to support an educational system which they may or may not sanction and to pay for the education of children who are not their own?

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

The homosexual movement isn't known as "The Lavender Mafia" for no reason sd.

Remember, we're dealing with a movement and lifestyle that sends death threats to 14 year old girls that speak in favor of traditional marriage.

If you're not slandered, getting death threats, fired from your job or being sued in civil court by the Lavender Mafia, you're not doing your job of exposing their evil agenda.

TruthSetsFree #fundie theologyonline.com

If you want this counry to be over-run by Atheistic Communism vote 4 obama

Christian healthcare providers being forced to cover abortion

Christian employers being forced to pay for abortion

Christians not being allowed to express their faith in public

This is not going to happen, it has HAPPENED

Whether you are Christian, Catholic Christian, or Atheist, you should be concerned about what this godless Communist is doing to this once-free country.

Vote ABC

Anything But the Commie

jeffblue101 #fundie theologyonline.com

Indiana Senate Bill No. 89 (teaching creationism)
exact wording from the bill.
"Sec. 18. The governing body of a school corporation may
offer instruction on various theories of the origin of life. The curriculum for the course must include theories from multiple religions, which may include, but is not limited to, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Scientology."
I think this is a bad idea considering how badly public schools present "evidence" for evolution, but it could have a positive result in breaking up the monopoly that evolutionist have. This might also allow young minds to see the truth of the Gospels

why do you guys think of this bill?

BabyChristian #fundie theologyonline.com

Why are we the ONLY creatures that can talk?

I know bees wiggle their butts and things of that nature, blah blah.......and monkeys have learned a word or two but..........

If we're not special, why are we the only ones to be able to speak if evolution is true?

I'm taking a college course on this but wanted your in-put on it, especially from atheists. Of course believers, as I am one, know God made us different.

This class talks about the larynx and pharynx and how it changed over the trillions (joking) of years we've been on this planet.

Why hasn't the same thing happened to other species?

*raises hand*

Yes Diane.

Because we're not evolved from apes, we were made from God and he gave us this ability.

Thank you Diane, you will now go the the Principle's office for speaking about God in a class room.

Sum1sGruj #fundie theologyonline.com

"My uncle-in-law has been an atheist his whole life. My aunt, however, is a very devout Christian. Nothing gets him to really be a Christian despite that he goes to church and often plays the guitar there. Whenever religion is talked about, he is skeptical. He holds no values for Christianity. He is also a very bitter man and suffered a heart attack last year, in which he still never became a Christian.

See, some people are just stubborn. And he isn't a rocket scientist. In fact he is pretty old school, being about 65 years old. Science avails him not.

So what about those people with more drive who claim to be so endowed with science and so willingly subject their selves to that of militant atheists?
There is nothing I am able to do that is going to bring them closer to religion. You all have already made your minds, and so long as your life is fine and giving, you all will remain that way.

As such, you all take that and try to make it into something more. You all are not being persecuted. Anything that has happened in your life that was ill gotten by religion is negligible. You all do not have any right to be going around and stomping on people's beliefs.
But you all do it anyway., you all are th eones that are intellectually dishonest, not us.
And then you all shriek when someone, like me, rips that facade away and shows the truth for what it is- you all are just vain, serving absolutely no purpose whatsoever then sheer aggravation of society. You all are heroes, let me tell you."

rbdeli #fundie theologyonline.com

As of today, I will vote for Rick Santorum.. - Today, 01:20 PM
There is no one single perfect candidate. Human beings are flawed period. So, to say we shouldn't vote for the lesser of two evils is to demand the impossible.

The fact is, Rick Santorum has become the newest, most hated "right wing Christian" nut of the left. That alone, tells me he is the right guy.

To the mainstream left and media, you're a nut if you believe in the following:

Traditional Marriage and Family.
Publicly crediting God and your Faith for your Values
Insuring our country remains the world's superior military power
Private business, not government makes the country prosperous.
It is not a woman's right to murder her unborn child.

Santorum is my guy. He's not the most gifted or polished speaker, but I'll vote for substance.

They have a class for this?

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

It's REEEEEALLY BAD PR to talk about those "other lifestyle choices" when you're attempting to get societal approval of your already morally degenerate lifestyle; why make it worse by admitting that pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia (see sod, I do listen in class), as well as other unmentionable acts are a part of the homosexual lifestyle?

aCultureWarrior #fundie theologyonline.com

A civilzed society is supposed to put a collar and leash on your atheist and pagan friends. We had laws that prohibited the murdering of the unborn (I'm sure the people at Planned Parenthood are "good Chrisians" like elo), laws that prohibited Bruce and Kevin sodomizing each other in the privacy of their own public restroom toilet stall, laws against Granite indulging in his favorite "literature" while he's locked inside the bathroom, etc. etc. etc.

And if you think that decent Americans are just going to sit back and "do nothing about it", then you better check the potency of the bud you've been smoking Rusha, because it's making you "delusional".

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