
Spinazi #conspiracy #homophobia tribtowns.com

I think you put too much stock in the authority of a professional guild. Professional-practitioner associations are not scientific associations but are professional guilds that are not only amenable to political influence, but express political opinions, thinly veiled as science, and act as political organizations. A professional guild requires consensus, particularly on issues that could have an effect on their funding, research, or practice. Western science is becoming thin on objectivity and very intolerant of dissent.

Removing homosexuality from the diagnostic manual was entirely due to homosexual activism - not science. The vote was neither unanimous nor comprehensive and the only “science” presented was a frankly biased study from 1957!

As for the ability to alter one's sexual orientation: Without any intervention whatsoever, three out of four boys who think they're gay at age l6 aren't by 25. This, according to data from the comprehensive study of sexuality by the National Health and Social Life Survey completed in 1994.

It seems to me that “reparative therapy” for homosexuals is akin to changing anyone’s individual and highly eclectic masturbatory fantasies. The high rate of recidivism for pedophiles tells us that therapy and aversive punishments rarely work for people who are driven to seek sexual relief through behaviors that are illegal, immoral, and even dangerous.

Sexual behaviors may be somewhat controllable, but our sexual imaginations are not.

More important than reparative therapy would be prevention. I think every parent would rather work on preventing homosexual orientation than have to deal with it after it is manifest.

We are abandoning parents and children by allowing the promoters of alienated sex of all kinds to control the media, research, and public discussion.

ds7 #fundie tribtowns.com

the joke in all of this is that a majority of "gays" don't want to marry...the ones who want to marry are generally the gays who have failed at marriage once, usually becoming a parent in the process, and are trying to recreate the "illusion" of marriage while ignoring the function...

a majority of the "non-confused" homosexuals want to live a lifestyle of unrestricted sexual experimentation with as many partners as possible...these aren't the "nice" homosexuals you meet in salt lake city...these are more the sex on parade castro street types...

the problem is that once the rest of society hands them the legal club to beat up on all the institutions that assist in the normal development and maturation of children (schools, gov't, churches, scouting, little league, etc) you can't re-padlock the door...the agenda is about tearing down a society based on religious principles and replacing it with secular ideas that worships pleasure and instant gratification instead of long-term growth and stability...

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