
Clement Pulaski #fundie #homophobia #transphobia truesonsofabraham.com

Last week the Obama administration expressed its support for a petition demanding a ban on homosexual and transgender conversion therapy for minors. The petition was started in memory of Joshua Ryan Alcorn, a seventeen-year-old boy who took his own life after suffering from the delusion that he was a girl named Leelah. Joshua's parents are described by the media as conservative Christians who did everything in their power to restore their son to his right mind. Unfortunately, Joshua was still able to access social media where he found encouragement to persist in his disease.


While it is bad enough that the petition demands an end to therapy aimed at helping sick children, the full implications of this demand are deeply disturbing. Note that in addition to the therapy itself, the petition also condemns Joshua's parents for removing him from school and trying to limit his contact with his peers, actions that are within the accepted limits of parental authority. In essence, the petition blames Joshua's death on his parents' refusal to accept his delusion. The moral principle behind the petition is clear: it is abusive and evil for parents to discourage their "transgendered" children.

For now, the only legal action demanded by the Left is aimed at conversion therapy performed by mental health professionals, but it is easy to see how parents who teach their children to reject homosexuality and transgenderism could also be labeled as criminal in the future. For if, as the petition states, it is unethical for a therapist to attempt to "reverse any child's gender identity or sexual orientation", how could it not be unethical for a parent to attempt to do so? By now, the ultimate goal of the Left should be obvious to all Christians. The Left desires to use the authority of the state to destroy the Church and the Biblical teaching on sexuality. Christian businesses and Christian families will be targeted and prosecuted. Children will be taken from Christian families in order to prevent "abuse" and to provide the children with a full range of gender options.

The "sexual revolution" is not a finished event that occurred in the 1960s. It is an ongoing process and it is accelerating. During the first stage of the sexual revolution abortion, pornography and homosexuality were legalized. But although these practices were legal and promoted by the mainstream culture, it was still possible for individuals to express their disapproval of these practices and to teach their children to avoid them. Now, in the second stage of the sexual revolution public disapproval of sexual perversion will become taboo and will ultimately be criminalized, as is already happening in other countries.

We must not be deceived: we are entering the darkest period in the history of the world. I would prefer a thousand times over to be fed to lions than for my children to be taken from me and raised as sinful perverts. But this is the future that the retreating church is inviting.

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