
Kelly from Holdenville, OK #conspiracy unionleader.com

[On Obama]

He is a Liar ! He takes time to go to colleges and our schools cause he knows in college kid's do not pay much attention in what is really going on.but those who are in our colleges as professors of those agenda's they want to push are in their who crab our kids and brain wash them,because they know many kids do not take time to do their own research on many ways.The only research they do ,do is the research the professors gives them to do.

Talk to your children of what they done in schools and colleges and maybe you can stop your child from being brain wash over these thugs !

- Kelly, Holdenville Ok

Lorna Willette #fundie unionleader.com

AN ASSISTANT at the Wadleigh Memorial Library in Milford has come under fire for her cute idea to use Valentine's Day to draw disaffected teenagers to the library for some fun and learning. The idea? Valentine's voodoo dolls.


Some were not amused.

"Coming from a Christian perspective, it scares the life out of me that anyone would want to tamper with voodoo in the name of fun," Lorna Willette said.

Complaints led the library to cancel the program...

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