
t of MD #fundie usnews.com

evolution is intolerant atheism masquerading as science
The implications of evolution are clear, no God, no savior, no sin, no right, no wrong. They also sue, silence, and harass, any who dare disagree like sternberg. So the darwiniacs have turned 'science' into atheism.

of course the 'mountain of evidence' for evolution is nothing more than a molehill...darwiniacs see evolution because the alternative, God, is unthinkable to these atheists pretending to be 'scientists'. The fossil record shows stasis, animals appear fully formed, and then become extinct. where are the 'proto-organs' in humans, or any other animal, since we are in the process of 'evolving'? there are none. the evolutionists cannot evolve anything in a lab, they see a single mutation, ie 'micro' evolution..and proclaim micro adds up to macro, but of course it does not, as the tuatara demonstrates...but no matter, they think if they just had more time..they could see evolution...its nothing more than the faith of the atheist in their hairy god darwin.

Mateo1970 of NY #fundie #homophobia usnews.com

Homosexuality in the clergy

I don't think it should surprise us that there are so many homosexuals in the church hierarchy. I think any institution that symbolizes masculine authority attracts men struggling with same-sex attraction disorder. Few people know that among the military services, the Marine Corps has the highest percentage of gay men. Many of us have struggles with homosexual thoughts and even acted out on them. It in no way means we are gay. That is strictly a political designation. A man can love other men and even sexually penetrate them as an act of male bonding, yet still maintain his heterosexual identity. As long as you don't defend the militant lifestyle like the extremist liberals, then you can be proud of your manhood.

Mateo1970 of NY #fundie usnews.com

Many of us have struggles with homosexual thoughts and even acted out on them. It in no way means we are gay. That is strictly a political designation. A man can love other men and even sexually penetrate them as an act of male bonding, yet still maintain his heterosexual identity. As long as you don't defend the militant lifestyle like the extremist liberals, then you can be proud of your manhood.

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