
Majesty #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

"Name one miracle that supposedly happened, that there could be evidence of it today."

Critical Thinker:
"World-wide flood"

"Water filled the earth, then the water dried up. What evidence are you looking for? Evidence of water that dried up? Dried up water stains?? Silly lol"

fatherfigure #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

This is my last post here. I am finished with you.

You are the least of all the children. Practitioners of deceit, your souls are the devils playground. Your inequity permeates every syllable off your forked tongues; your lie is the only vestige of light left in you.

You have wasted everything of value and seeded ignorance as repayment. You are slaves to the darkness, open doorways for evil. You have rejected that which protects and heals you, now your life is in the hands of RUIN.

HIS day will come as a thief in the night. Repent now before its too late.

ryanviolence #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

IF the NT were a false document, i would have been proven false and abolished before the end of the second century.


manuscripts of the new testament date back to the year 100.
not even 70 years after the events described. to say that the new testament is entirely or even mostly false would be the same as saying that today we could write that the holocaust never happened and that hitler was a generous german leader and everyone would accept it without opposition.

if the new testament were false, the jews and other non-christians would have opposed the stories and had them destroyed rather than re-written (almost 15,000 times, more than any other peice of ancient literature) and widely distributed.

if you believe it was all made up, then test this. write a book about WWII and omit the holocaust and hitler's hatred of the jews. if it becomes widely accepted, then you may be right.

ryanviolence #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

[this is the beginning of a thread]
i want to know the scientific explination for everything.

you can give it to me one thing at a time.


i will employ in my acceptance the same rule all atheists here seem to employ us Christians.

NO internet sources
NO study information
NO book references
NO TV specials
NO word-of-mouth references

All of these are unreliable as sources for Christians, so they are also for non-Christians.

in other words, the existance of Darwin will, for the purpose of this thread, be considered a myth.
as for any other scientist outside of me and you.


Tate #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

Muhammed is a perverted child molester that went to hell. He couldn't get out of his grave to save his life, and Allah is a dead god and you have a dead book. God's blessing was not on Ishmael. Repent and believe the gospel!

Tate #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

Your are very foolish. I know what you just stated about his science teacher career. Your upset that he wasn't teaching in a public school. Who is the liar? I believe the bible corrects your "so called science". The Word of God is most reliable when helping to prove good clean science. You just disagree. Keep posting silly videos. You seem very intelligent from all the information you gather from reading those science textbooks. Amen.

gzusfreke #fundie #crackpot whywontgodhealamputees.com

Jesus was fully human and fully God. He was not the product of human sperm and human egg. He was the product of a human egg, "the seed of a woman", and the Holy Spirit. The sin nature was bypassed by bypassing the human father. Human embryos can have a different blood type from the mother, and this factors into the sinlessness of Jesus, according to some theologians.

steward #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

[Context: a thread in which a user was expressing sadness that his son's teacher had died after a brief battle with viral pneumonia]

It is interesting that those who stake their entire claim on no God to blame,or credit for anything whatsoever,are so upset,sad,etc,etc,& etc, over nothing, and nothingness?

According to their own creed this person,who is really nothing more than an advanced ape, after having lived what for him will be an eternity, will have the same fate as the lower apes,along with spiders, kamodo dragons, smallmouth bass,etc,etc,&etc has absolutely no chance of ever experiencing pain,sorrow,sickness,etc,etc, & etc, again. Ever.

Just like his crawling,tree climbing,tailfinned, brethren.

Yet with their chests fully inflated from the wind they are sucking, they proclaim if only his life had been "fuller".

The implication being their own lives are now somehow "fuller" than his by virtue of each additional heartbeat they have gained on him.

What a bunch of arrogant blowhards in full auto-stroke mode.

gzusfreke #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

Donald Trump, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet could all give millions to charities, but if they didn't do it because of their faith in Jesus, it's just sin. My down and dirty explanation: anytime someone operates independently of God, all they do is sin to God.

qw #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

The first atoms that came together had to have intelligence in their dna, otherwise we wouldn't have intelligence because dna is the home of our genes that dictate who we are. Therefore, if the first atoms who came together had intelligence in their dna.

AFadly #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

[RE: Female Circumcision]

When the proper surgery applied it has many benefits for the female herself and the society as well
It was accepted through the world even in the west for thousands of years :

1- It reduces probability of getting many diseases
2- Sometimes corrects abnormal anatomy
3- It makes the highly sensitive area of the clitoris inside not outside, which makes the female less sensitive to outside factors, decreasing unwanted desires
4- Increases frequency of climax as the highly sensitive area will be inside, making real sex more enjoyable

Thus, a female that had circumcision, will not be easily stimulated from outside (tight clothes, touching, masturbating, contacts, etc.) making her less vulnerable to adultery
On the other hand, she will enjoy real sex much more than before, making her more satisfied by marriage

steward #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

[awkward formatting original]

It is evident on this website that many claim to have been once "christians".

They are all liars,and will prove themselves to be so.

Jesus, the author and finisher of the faith said:

"If God were your Father , ye would love me...."

(John 8:42)

Not one of these so called "former christians" have ever, or will ever,express why they once loved Jesus?

Because they never did.

Proving by their own manifest lack of love for Him that they never believed Him to begin with.

BibleBeliever #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

Babylonian Religion-The Root of Atheism

What does the Roman Catholic Church, Darwinism, and Atheism have in common? FRUIT off the same tree!

Did you know when you profess to be an atheist that you are professing to be religious? If you find out where and when something was born, you can find out a lot about that something. Atheism is a wicked religion. Religion has always been the enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ! It goes further back before 321 AD. Curious, ask questions.

ThePhilosopher #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

isnt atheism just the easy way out?
living a life believed to be inconsequential because there is no god seems a little too convenient no?
a thief will justify his stealing and deem it right, because stealing is more convenient for him.
just as any other criminal or good person will justify anything they do to fit them.

truth is that everyone strives towards living a more convenient life because who on earth would want to live a life where there is someone at the end of the road to tally what you do right and wrong?

not be leaning to one side or the other, wouldnt it seem that the christian is the stronger person morally and spiritually and chooses the path less taken? the path of being righteous without the notion that he could commit suicide anytime life would get too difficult?

i understand the arguments how atheism is rational and christianity is not, but what about atheism being rational for the sake of convenience for the person whereas a christian, rational or not, chooses to pursue a path that is difficult to a majority of the world today

just wondering, let me know what you think.

Chaplainwinston #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

[A earlier poster asks Chaplainwinston to paraphrase what he thinks evolution is/states]

I can't! It is a hodge podge of different and ever changing theories. They can't explain why they are no transitional life forms so some confused scientist came up with a theory, and gave it a name I can't remember. So now they say a new life form is spontaneously generated totally different from the animal that bore it. Like a bird birthing a lizard. And they leave it at that. It doesn't even have the same diet. How on earth does it find a mate and reproduce? Another Bird at the same time has to birth another lizard spontaneously of the opposite sex and they have to find each other. Adam did not go around looking for a woman before Eve. He had no idea, he could not even conceive what a woman was nor what she could do for him. God decided he needed a help meet and created a women to meet his need.

qw #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

For instance, atheists believe there’s no God. But they believe in a Higher Being, whatever it may be, it’s human nature. What do you atheists say when you’re sick and you want help from a Higher Being? Be it the universe, or a candle, or yourself, or your cousin, or what/whomever? Really. I would like to know because there’s a time in everyone’s life when bad things happen and you “pray” to somebody/something. If you’re a scientist do you pray to a beaker, a lab coat, a mathematical equation?

AFadly #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

Evolutionists and Athiests imagine Evolution worked by:
1-Species changing by mutations, genetic drifts, ....whatever
2-Resulting species that fit its environment survived
3-Other who did not, distinct or did not survive for many generation

For this process to be true, millions (even billions) of variations would have existed over time
and as "Does not fit" is not always fatal, they should have survived for some time and generations as well (million or thousands of years)

Not only that, as the process is not controlled by any intelligence, a lot of (illogical) variations must existed


Where are the fossil records for such mutated "Unfit" species?

They imagine that the existence of mutation, proves that every thing came through it!
They think that distinction of animals proves evolution, but it is actually disproving it!

Afadly #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

Let's assume that an Atheist believes that God may exist with a probability of 0.000001,
His life worth 1 (It should be less as he may die young)

So His hereafter compared to his life is 1 : 0.000001 or the Ratio will be 1/0.000001= 1,000,000

His life worth 1 million times his here after

But his life is not constant, it is getting shorter by time
It should be represented as a variable ( Y)

Limit of 0.000001/Y as Y-->0 is Infinity

His hereafter will worth infinite times his life

QED :-)

What do you think?

Afadly - fanatic muslim, sexist / racist / child lover #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

Post #1

So you agree with me, you accepted statistics about 13 yrs old, but say it is not enough

What is the difference between 13 and 9 or 11? we can go to expert medical opinions
When girls get month periods
At what age does a girl get her first period?

So what is the difference? it is percentages only
Lets say that at 15 yrs 95% of girls have month periods
at 13 it is 80%
at 11 it is 50%
at 10 it is 30%
at 9 it is 10%
at 8 (Yes only eight years old) 2%

Most of these people wand and desire sex, so the fact that some 9 years girls will need sex, what can she do?

Also note that in some of these links they said, sexual maturity or a girl will become an adult, ADULT
Calling her a child is false
In many legal cases in USA they use the term "Treated as an adult", wow they break their own rules

Post #2

If statistics (They are not done by me) show that many US girls do sex before 13, what does that mean?
Does this mean that they do it at exactly the age of 13

Anyway it is not my or your opinion it is pure medical fact, girls starting from age 8 (or even maybe 7 or 6 sometimes, I don't know) will need and do sex
(See how many young whore who got pregnant in US now)

The Question is, What is the best regulation for them?
Does this regulation should depend on Age? and what will be that Age?

I know (as you like all Atheists here, not honest ) will evade questions and write any non-sense
But the point is proved 100%

gutta percha #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

"There is no such animal as a true Christian. We know the Christians are delusional, but it is even crazier for them to think there true Christians,. Especially given the criteria to be one."

You are a joke. You must belong to the ASAO (Absolute Stupid Atheist Organization) Atheists are the delusional freaks. Because of brainless atheists , we have a generation of freaky atheistic kids that are forming an epidemic of school shootings, mall shootings, campus murders, kids killing kids, kids choking themselves, kids committing suicide at the drop of a hat, kids born already addicted to crack cocaine (if they aren't aborted from the get-go). I usually read of at least 10 top bad news stories everyday that are the immediate result of the actions of the ASAO.
I blame every bad thing I read on the internet/TV headlines on ATHEISTS. One thing that is certainly not delusional is how screwed up our latest generation of young people are and it is 110% to be blamed on atheism and the sickness that it spreads. It's only going to get worse with atheistic governmental authorities trying to take God out of everything. I know this is a fact as I've watched the "evolution" of stupidity grow and grow ever since that bitch Madelyn O'Hare got her miserable way back in the early '60s. (May her body be burning in Hell hotter than anyone known in history along with all the future dead atheists of this forum who worship that bitch). If their was ever a "big bang", it was that bitch being thrown into the pits of hell where she is and certainly belongs.


walkerscout #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

Here is a reproducible experiment for all you evolutionist.
Take all the raw material down to the atomic level that would be found in a mechanical pocket watch. Put it into a box, apply heat and pressure and shake it up all the time you are doing it. How long till a pocket watch will appear?

devoted to hymn #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

I find it almost comical how unbelievers will blame a God they don't believe in, but they will not let evolution take the blame for amputees not being able to heal.

Isn't this a case of evolution gone wrong? lol!!

I think I totally debunked this entire website. Because as I have stated before. God will in fact heal all amputees in Heaven.
This site is probably run by some guy that lost a limb.. So he's rebelling towards God.

Yippee!! Another unbeliever in the world.
Just as the bible predicted. "Skeptics will increase dramatically in the last days"

Thanks for fulfilling prophecy for us.
We appreciate it!!

Rock #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

So do you believe one hundred percent that Julius Caesar was real and walked the earth? I find it very interesting that nobody questions the existence of any historical figure except for Jesus. I believe that people are scared to admit that he walked the earth because if you believe that then you will have to make a choice whether to follow Him or not.

JesusisGod #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

No. They are that way because of the disease of sin:

"When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned." Romans 5:12

Sin causes people to be born with diseases and other to be born without body parts. Sin has caused genetic abnormalities in Humans.

Once Jesus returns, people will never be born with genetic abnormalities

Godisreal #fundie whywontgodhealamputees.com

lol lol lol. WOW!!!!!!!! I am so happy that I came to a site where everyone knows everything. Yes, it has been 200 years since Christ was here. So you think since it hasn't happened yet that it will not happen?? Everyone here seems to be looking for flaws in Christianity and to find something to point out and jump up and down about. I guess your "no God" thing is the answer. Well then count me in, we should all get together and burn bibles together!!!! NO WAY HOLMES!!!!!!! Look at current events, Jerusalem, HOLYLAND............Jesus will return as a saviour, hmmmmmm...................Jerusalem is on the brink of yet another holy war. hmmmmmm........................ Look at the weather, last winter here in Ohio we had 60 degree days last winter when it was supposed to be 20 degrees.....hmmmmm.......tsunamis...................Louisianna hurricane????????....................Things aren't the same anymore people. Don't tell me el~nino, RIGHT!!!!!!!!! He will return. The apocolypse..................what will you do??? Seek him now while you still can.

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