
John Joseph Jay #fundie wintersoldier2008.typepad.com


this is what i advocate, stated in a straightforward manner.--

i advocate armed insurrection to excise radical leftist politicians and marxism from our body politic, if necessary. i see very little to cause me to suppose that it is not necessary, nor to convince me that sooner is not better.

it is also clear that the present united states administration and democratic congress of the united states are hell bent for election to usurp, restrain and infringe our ancient liberties and rights, and that they fully intend to impose a european socialist state upon our politics. they are well on their way to achieving precisely that, and they work continuously and insidiously towards that end, against the direct wishes of the electorate.

they need removed from office, immediately, by any means necessary, including armed insurrection if they will not obey the electoral process, and if they continue to scheme and carry out plans to forcibly subvert it.

the time has come to act overtly. and, to openly organize to carry out the goal of taking our country back. the first step? do not pay your taxes. the next step? acquire suitable arms and necessary ammunition. then? organize into militia and action teams. the final step? lethal violence directed towards our oppressors, ... , they are easy enough to identify.

it also seems quite imperative to me that islam be expelled from our body politics, by any means necessary, including force. muslims should be fairly compensated for their property which they have acquired, they should be allowed to take their monies accumulated with them, but they should be made to leave, ... , at gunpoint, if necessary.

have i stated my views in a sufficiently clear manner?

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