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Ben Garrison #conspiracy #transphobia #wingnut

Many hospitals are all too happy to lop off breasts or a penis and send taxpayers the bill. Like Covid, it’s a giant scam being perpetuated by taking advantage of gender confused people. The Biden regime sees trans people and illegal aliens as a first status priority. Citizens are second. Christians are last. Women and black people are also pushed to the curb. It’s an election year and Biden is pandering to the hard left by fawning over the alphabet people.

Ben Garrison #wingnut



Cartoon published 05/06/2024

Those handling Biden’s reelection bid announced they would shorten his campaign speeches. They’ve all but acknowledged Joe’s cognitive decline. Biden can barely walk and he can barely talk — but he sure knows how to lie.

Biden is an experienced, accomplished liar and he has no shame about it—and even though many of the tales he tells have been proven to be completely untrue, he repeats those same stories anyway.

“Not a joke!”

His lies are too numerous to list, but here is a sampler:

He claimed he got into politics because he was inspired by the Civil Rights Movement. Yet when he became senator he stood against issues such as bussing, saying he didn’t want his kids in a ‘racial jungle.’ He was friends with Senator Robert Byrd, a former KKK member. Joe was hardly a supporter of civil rights, but later on he claimed he walked and even said he graduated from a historically black college. Nope. Nor did he march with civil rights leaders or go to jail alongside Nelson Mandela. He did not get arrested for standing on a porch of a black family. Trump is not the racist—Biden is.

Ben Garrison #transphobia #wingnut

Sen. Tommy Tuberville weighed in on why the Biden administration banned religious images in the White House Easter egg art contest, “Because the Democrats are a Satanic cult.” It’s sure looking that way.

Trans visibility date should be on April 1st, April Fool’s Day, as only a fool would think that one could change their sex by mere wishful thinking or by genital mutilation. A man will never be a real women because he has XY chromosomes that say he is a man. Nothing will change that.