SleepyE #fundie

JUSSt made contact with some sort of alien intelligence.

i loaded a bowl of like 100mg of dmt in my bong(half of it was dmt crystal shard quality from slow evap) with weed and riped it the fuck down, i wanted to explode into the trip looking for answers and FUCKING FOUND them!!!:dancingbacon:

i was beamed up into some interdimensional dr who like tardis or it felt as if i was inside some sort of interdimensional space ship.

and there were these wireframed crouching entities that were literally showing me around.

i have never had such vivid ecounters with an entity; i was staring at it STRIAGHT in the "face?" and i was literally almost shitting myself and thats rare for me.

they looked at me or i got the impression as if im sort of son they planted on this planet, and at my 20th birthday they will come back plus my dreams will come true and i wont be confused anymore.

they were showing me cubed like masterworks that were expanding and contracting

my lower body felt like is was getting split into two, when this happened it was alarming to me at first.

my focus on the patterning and what was going on in this interdimensional tardis was faded the more i thought about the hypothetical physical pain i might be in from spliting into two but i ignored the pain and focused on the visual information and the aliens were like "thats it, thats it!."

i drew a quick sketch and tried to capture what i saw, it was really complex and the images are fading fast, something about that trip my mind seems to want to despritely destroy any cognitive awareness of it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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