daddio #conspiracy

Exactly, the "yellow fringe" on the flag is the Flag of the King or of Admirality Law. Always display an AMERICAN flag on your auto as the "flag of the vessel" is the recognized law it falls under and ALL authorities must adhere to this law when dealing with the captain, that would be YOU!!! And the AMERICAN flag is the Constitutional Flag, NO BORDER or White border.

The display of the flag is important, on all buses and ambulances, ever notice ambulances don't have license plates? They are corporate vehicles carrying passengers for profit? City buses the same thing, they are corporate owned, NOT owned by the city itself. SO why do you need a plate on your private property? Property rights, ever read them? Any law dictionary will explain it to you.

We must stand up for OUR rights and NOW.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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