The real Princess Leia1 #fundie

As for dinosaurs. This is a good scene to describe how they have been used against god.

6,000 B.C. - Garden of Eden
Devil - Adam? Do you know that dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago?
Adam - Are you kidding? Theres one eating off the cherry tree right now.
Devil - Darn...

4400 B.C. - Building Site of Noah's Ark.
Noah - I'm 10 foot 8
Noahs son - Well Im 10 foot 9.
Noah - Fine, go get me that tree will you?
Noah's Son - Here you go! *Rips tree out of the ground*
Devil - knock knock. Noah, do you know dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago?
Noah - Are you joking? I fed them this morning, the two babies im bringing on the ark. A pink one and a blue one.
Devil - Urggh!

1900 A.D. - Discovery of Dino Bones
Devil - Yesss!!!! Here you! Do you know they went extinct millions of years ago?
Scientist - Huh? You're right! It all fits ((Into nothing)) this must mean the bible is fake.
Devil - YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!! ... I mean... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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