Kara Dansky #transphobia karadansky.com


Can everyone please stop saying “trans people?”

1. It makes no sense.

2. It’s a lie, and fighting self-ID is not enough to defeat it.

3. The entire edifice of “trans” is built on a capitalist enterprise to obliterate the material reality of sex, deprive all of us of our natural human experience, and center male sexual entitlement.

It may at first appear inconsistent to say that “trans” is all three things. But it’s true: “trans” is simultaneously incoherent, an outright lie, and an industry that viciously fights to destroy reality and sell a fetish.

For all three of these reasons, I want to make the case that use of terms like “trans,” “trans gender,” and “trans people” by feminists and other gender critical people is an own goal – a goal scored inadvertently when the ball is struck into the goal by a player on the defensive team. Use of this terminology is likely to destroy the movement to fight gender ideology.


“Trans people” as a concept makes no sense

Sex means the differentiation between male and female, determined by whether an X-bearing sperm or a Y-bearing sperm fertilized the X-bearing ovum, which determines the type of sexual and reproductive organs that develop, and the biological differences between females and males.

There is also, of course, the phenomenon of “intersex,” or “sex-linked disorders,” which are defined as “any disease or abnormal condition that is determined by the sex chromosomes or by a defective gene on a sex chromosome.”[1] The phenomenon of intersex is unrelated to the fight against gender ideology.[2]

None of this, however, tells us anything about what the word “trans” or “trans people” might mean. People are all always male or female – men or women, girls or boys – and sex is fixed in each human body. Ceding that “trans,” by any definition, even a definition that equates it with nonconformity with sex role stereotypes, is a thing at all, fatally denies the reality of sex. This is because sex and “transgender” ideology cannot be logically reconciled. Either trans exists or sex exists.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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