Ann Barnhardt #fundie #homophobia #wingnut

-As God warns us constantly in Scripture and otherwise – such as the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, given to us through Pope Leo XIII – the demonic is real, and we are to guard against it. There are beings “prowling throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.” While most DNs [Diabolical Narcissists] are not consciously serving satan, they are consciously looking to hurt other human beings as hard as they can, thus looking to cause a “spiritual death”, even if they don’t explicitly acknowledge what it is they are doing. If you are aware of a DN, you do have an obligation to warn those directly in his sights of what he is. For example, a spouse of a DN, or a child of a DN, should warn especially children of sufficient age, or anyone that they see a DN grooming for abuse. This would also apply especially to anyone with a sex pervert (likely a homosexual) in their family. Remember, ALL homosexuals and aberrosexuals are a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO CHILDREN. Remember, every person who ever had their children molested by their “gay relative” would have sworn up and down that the sex pervert relative or friend was “harmless” and “would never hurt my kids”. And yet look at how many people in our culture have been abused and had their lives ruined by the “gay uncle/brother/cousin/family friend”. Another example might be a coworker that is being groomed and then abused by a DN boss. Apparently, all three Clintons, Hillary, Bill and now Chelsea, are notorious for abusing staffers to the point of making them suicidal. Once a DN is identified and acknowledged for what he is, he loses almost all power over a person.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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