dutchsinse #fundie cseblogs.com

For years, people like Samphire, were saying the whole bible was false and made up. But once the archaeological sites were found, they said that Jesus didn’t exist— once Josephus’s writings were found, they said that Jesus wasn’t Resurrected—

People like Samphire used to say that the Old Testament was “lost in translation”— that is .. er— until scholars found the dead sea scrolls, which matched almost word for word the modern translation— thus disproving the “lost in translation” BS.

People like Samphire used to say King Herod wasn’t real— now they found his temple.

How much more goal post moving are they going to do before REAL belivers make the PHYSICAL discovery, lay the ultimate smack down, and prove that Jesus resurrected?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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