Believe It! #fundie

(But what are we talking about in the US? I would say the founding fathers in the decleration of this country said

Quote: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

In that case, then yes, homosexual sex could be seen as neccecary.)

Oh well then so could bestiality. Wait, bad example. I forgot that you are openly FOR bestiality. Well then so could sex with little kids. However, all of these are unnecessary, including gay sex as I have proved elsewhere.

This is about marriage and pursuit of happiness though. Pursuit of happiness does not equal happiness. It only means freedom to seek that which will make you happy. Now of course even you will admit that this freedom has limits and restrictions. That pursuit cannot conflict with other people's happiness or freedoms. Which is why we don't have anarchy in the United States of America. Now, same-sex marriage made legal by anyone other than the voting majority infringes on this pursuit of happiness, and it does this to EVERY voter regardless of their position because it takes away their say in an institution that belongs to the public. It does not infringe on a gay person's pursuit of happiness because marriage was a one man one woman union long before homosexuals starting demanding it be changed to suit their wants. So if not being married makes them so unhappy, then they should marry someone of the opposite sex like everyone else does. Everyone has a restriction on the pursuit of happiness in terms of redefining marriage to suit their wants, regardless of their sexual orientation. That restriction is that they cannot redefine something that the public owns as a whole. It must be voted on by the public and the majority will must be upheld. This is what the forefathers intended. Believe it!

And that is checkmate.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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