LucasSkywalker21 #fundie

[This is either a troll or someone who has been told scare stories about what happens to boys who masturbate. Hard to tell which.]

A person is either Gay because a) he's sexually gratified himself alot (jerked off) or: b) he's slept with alot of women [God bless you, if you do both]
Science/research is never required for this topic. I'm not stuck-up, but I do know what I'm talking about. All being gay is, is a cause/affect reaction. There's nothing genetic about it.
When you call someone "Gay", what's going through your head at that EXACT second is "Did he jerk off alot, or Sleep with alot of women?" It makes you just as gay as him, for thinking about his cock.

The more you masturbate/engage in intercourse, the shorter you get, and in the end just leaves with a "short pen0r". And all that means is that you don't get sexually aroused by women anymore, hense the term "Gay".



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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