James Donahue #fundie perdurabo10.tripod.com

Psychic remote viewer Aaron C. Donahue has posted two new images on his website at http://ummo.cc that indicates President George W. Bush is possessed.

The thing in President Bush is identified by Donahue as an angel. Its name is purposefully withheld. Donahue writes that the angel is “associated with a programmed system of belief that precludes the reality of Armageddon.

”Two remote viewed drawings are presented on Donahue’s site. One shows the top, or head of the entity projecting from the side of the head of President Bush. Donahue said he produced this image by surprise while remote viewing Mr. Bush during a recent public speaking appearance.

He said he was drawing the back of the president’s head during the talk, and was shocked to find the being’s head jutting from that of Bush, and looking directly back at him. It was very aware that it was being observed.

The second drawing offers a full body portrait of the angel that occupies Mr. Bush. It has what Aaron describes as a “strange tube-like morphology” and appears to possess but a single eye.

That this particular angel promotes a belief in Armageddon is very bad news. It suggests that Mr. Bush will continue to drive America into a world war from his high seat of power.



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