
mikpat #fundie admin.stage.att.net


For a God that doesn't exist according to religious bigots (people who are intolerant of religious beliefs) you deniers sure spout off a lot of hate in your mockery, demeaning, denigrating, insulting posts about God.

The problem is with the religious bigots,,,,,,,,,,,they rant, rave and rail against something, someone, they claim doesn't exist..........that sounds a bit pathological.*

Of course, sensible people know that most atheists and religious bigots are not motivated by reason but by a kind of cowardly moral escapism which leads to all sorts of illogical blunders.*

Denouncing the existence of God is definitely a form of hate. All the proponents of atheistic humanism hate the very thought of Christianity and their God because it thwarts their man-made utopian goals.

mikpat #fundie admin.stage.att.net

(What is this FSTDT, CTSTDT?)


mikpat- 07/09/2008 06:05:59 PM
Religious bigots,, fraudulent atheists, no longer want to be tolerated, They want to monopolize the public square and to expel Christians from it. They want political questions like abortion to be divorced from religious and moral claims. They want to control school curricula so they can promote secular ideology and undermine Christianity. They want to discredit the factual claims of religion, example,,,,,,,they immmediately countered that this is NOT a" Nation founded by Christian ideals",. they want to convince the rest of society that Christianity is not only mistaken but also evil. They blame Christianity for the crimes of history but never mention atheistic -communism and its slaughter of one hundred million.

Christianity is the target of assault by the religious bigots on this forum. They are oblivious and could care less about sincere poster's religious conviction and their Biblical quotes.

Their modus operandi;;;;;;denigrate religion/Christianity no matter what,,,, lie, insult, curse, distort, fabricate, etc. as long as the post mocks religion, ...... religious bigots, you're OK