
Awise #racist africaspeaks.com

Mixing with other races has not advanced blacks, it will do the opposite and set us back. It hurts me to see black people mixing with others races voluntarily. I question their conciousness and motives for doing this. People do not think of advancing the race but themselves and although mergeing with other races has some benefits, Barrack Obama is an example. The negative effects of mixing are evident and over time in the long run black people are set to used and become confused about their original identity

black_truth #racist africaspeaks.com

It never ceases to amaze me. The reality of inter-racial dating is not of rights but one of responsibilities. The reality is that over 60% of Black house holds are headed by black women. There are thousands of black children without healthy male role models in their lives. Our overall general soci0-economic condition dictates that it is a revolutionary responsibility to the race to practice race first as marcus garvey taught anything less than this is traitorous. It is irresponsible for a black man or women to involve themselves in intimate relations with other ethnic groups when we as a people are being faced with racial genocide and systematic distruction. Those Africans who want to be liberal on this issue are still drowning in their adulation of white people and have yet to grasp the severity of our problem

Horus #racist africaspeaks.com

Any black who do not represent the black man + black women = Black Child way of life is commiting suicide. Did you noticed the amount of publicity on television, newspapers etc..,who promote Interracial relationships with europeans?. This is no coincidence, they are trying to alter your genetic by encouraging you to mixe your genes. This is a genocide. Notice that in the word genocide, you have the word gene, so they encourage you to supress your own genes by mixing it with the caucasian gene.

JAHwitness #racist africaspeaks.com

I thought it was quite obvious that I was smiling and not angry while Posting that Post with all dem funny smileys...hahahah I Posted that to show the devil that he can not pull that "ohh, You're evil because you are not wearing a bob marley t-shirt and holding hands with pale bastards singing 'WE SHALL OVERCOME' " type of shit on me.

Because I do not care if i come off as a Racist, nor do i care if i come off as a hateful devil monster in the eyes of this backwards world, i would expect nothing less. Because I know very well where I stand, I Stand With The Truth and Righteousness. and I do not expect the devil to agree with me when i speak Truth. Neither am I Begging for acceptance within the tents of my enemy or anybody else. (that also includes many african people of today who have been completely brainstained and joined camps with the cursed seeds)

this sick world, has made it seem as if Slaying the wicked who are constantly plotting to come up with new ways to slay the righteous and innocent is something evil. How Absurd!!! I would kill every devil, both spiritual and physical if the oppurtunity was given unto me, and that has nothing to do with hate for the devils (HATE IS OF THE DEVIL!!!). I want to destroy evil because of My Love for The Righteous whom the devils are constantly tormenting and killing.

I will say it straight up, All who are referred to as "mankind" today are Not equal. African people are Blessed, Created in the Likeness and Image of The Creator. Pale creatures are cursed, a reflection of somthing perverted/gone wrong. Calcified-non functional third eye. (cast out of the higher spiritual realms just like satan)

We are all spiritual beings manifested in This Physical world. And there are spiritual reasons behind why some are manifested as pale bodies. And through out history and present they have very well DEMONstrated their subhuman behavior. in this world/shitstem, where everything is backwards, Truth will Always be called a Lie by the majority of people. What is Unrighteous will be proclaimed as Righteousness, and Righteousness wil be condemned as Wickedness. Satan is the ruler of this world, and he is the father of all lies and confusion. he prefer things backwards, opposite of the order that JAH Almighty ordained.

I just found it maaad funny as always how satan tries to come at me (through one of his bastard children) as if i would expect the truth to NOT make him sick... If I recieved a Positive reaction from the majority of people in this world, then i would have to stop and question myself. Straight up!

Therefore i descided to clarify that i could not care less about how the devil feels, and reactions such as that one increases my faith and confirms that i am on the right path ;D

I was very serious at the same time though. Absolute Violence is The Way, and all evil will be utterly destroyed. But I am not retarded, It's not like i will grab a sword and go chopp heads off of random pale people...lol, that would serve no great purpose. JAH Almighty will separate the chaff from the wheat. The goats from the sheep, and slaughter the goats. And I am Longing for that day with all of my body and soul. Anybody who doesnt must be in danger of that sword.

JAHwitness #racist africaspeaks.com

I write from a scriptual Perspective, and when I speak of Leprosy I speak of Pale skin, The mark of evil.

Noah is a Black African, So was His Wife, and His two other sons. There is No more Fact or Logic that supports the theory that His son Japhet would be a leper than there is to support the lie that man came from monkey.

People in southern europe are slightly less pale than the people up north because the moors (african muslims) conquered spain and italy and ruled there for 700 years and left offspring.
The bible does not speak of pale-people often. It is real clear that the Hebrews, JAH chosen people are african (Israel is even Africa), People of Color, Who have functional brains that produce melanin to their skins and other organs etc.
The only time the bible mention that somebodies skin is "pale" or as "white as snow" is when some individual in the scripture is cursed/punished and therefore turned pale (and it seems like it wasnt as rare as it is today, but leprosy do break out today. Look at the the biggest singer in babylon ever. Michael Jackson, a modern leper). It also mentions that the decendants of the lying/greedy/stealing/murdering/evil individual who got turned pale as a "mark" of evil, will also be lepers for all eternity. Those creatures are refered to as europeans today.

Those creatures were kicked out of africa because of their curse, and they eventually settled in europe. (They are in the cold BECAUSE they are pale, they did not become pale from being in the cold as they try to make you believe to support both the lie about them not being cursed but chosen, and the lie about evolution)
As we know they returned to Africa, and they returned even more evil than they had been when they left.

Awise #racist africaspeaks.com

Black people know the effects of mixing and happened during slavery
Interracial relationships with europeans, arabs or any other race that results in the birth of a child is suicidal.

Why is this?

We can see the effects of the fruits of interacial relationships between blacks and other races. It helps and enables other races to dominate us. With the change in color and physical features there is also a change in mindset.
This change in mindset is detrimental to Black Africans in many ways and for the most part it divides Africans all around the world people
Once a person is mixed or has some blood from another race, many become what I would call confused and influenced into following eurocentric or other ideals, discarding their African roots, through brainwashing and other factors. This is evident currently in many countries were there are Africans particularly Dominica and Sudan as I have observed.

Through mixing and the liberal merging with europeans and other races has allowed stealing African interlect, the same minds that built the Great civilization of Egypt. Our great talents are being extracted from us and other races are claiming our talent. 
Knowing that Africans are also intelligent, even though many go to great lengths deny this, Our music, creativity, talents, resources and most importantly our souls are being stolen and sold to other races.

melaninmagic #racist africaspeaks.com

SPIRITUAL CALCIFICATION associated with chronic melanin deficiency. This diagnosis is the explanation for the misery and strife that all the earths' children have been subjected to by the non-melanated for centuries. That these folk still haven't gotten their act together for so long is not because they don't want to, but simply because they don't know how; Divine Guidance to this end is severely lacking. How can an individual alter his/her ways if deeply rooted in their sub-conscious there exists a spiritual void that makes them oblivious to the TRUE suffering they cause (i.e. lack of empathy to the hueman condition)? Ofcourse, this is not to say that all euro-decendents suffer from this disease or that there is no cure for this physio-spiritual ailment. Albeit a slow process, erradication of this disease has only been sucessfully achieved through 'mixing' whether this be on a social or genetic level. Something to think about...

JAHwitness #racist africaspeaks.com

All individuals having melanin in excellence, are blessed with the following capabilities:

1- The ability to reach higher level of performance; as melanin enhances the entire efficiency of our being,

2- The ability to maintain high energy level, in adverse condition. Melanin has the potential to transform solar energy, electro-magnetic energy, electricity, microwaves, music/sound waves, radar, waves, radio TV waves, thermal waves X-rays, cosmic rays, and U.V light; into kinetic energy (energy we derive from food for things like growth and bodily repairs), without the need to eat,

3- The ability to relieve the brain from its responsibility of bodily coordination; as melanin can also supervise physiological functions without the need to report to the brain. As bodily impulse can be supervised by any concentration of melanin, present in the body, this brings about two things. Firstly, there is the acceleration of our bodily responses and reflects, against stimuli. And secondly, there is the heightening of the brain’s faculties to concentrate further on intellectual, emotional and Spiritual matters,

4- The ability to delay the aging process, and protect us from the development of skin cancer. The reflection of melanin in our skins, protects us from the harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun. Melanin absorbs the UV rays, and converts this energy into melanin,

5- Melanin has the miraculous ability to duplicate itself. This is the first chemical which can capture light to reproduce itself. It also can duplicate itself even when the necessary energy sources are unavailable,

Melanin is also what gives us intelligence. Ancients Afrikan mastered the universe to a very high level, they discovered that we, Afrikans, had an innate intelligence that could be measured as being equal to the geometrical angle of the earth = 360 degrees. They developed this intelligence in institutions such as the Mysteries Schools in Khamit (Egypt) and Nubia.
When Khamit was invaded, the Europeans destroyed all these schools and brought most of the materials to Greece. Among Eurasians, the people with most intelligence and higher level of perception and spirituality are members of wicked secret societies such as; the Illuminati, and the Freemasons. Out of the 360 degrees{} that the Afrikans developed in their mysteries school, they (the illuminati/freemason) only managed to obtain 32 degrees. Their brain has limited capacity to store intelligence.

Ras_Nevoe #conspiracy africaspeaks.com

Crack and A.I.D.S. was used on us as a means of eradication. COINTELPRO was used to confuse us and to look at our "Brothers" as our enemies. The FBI turned the Crips and Bloods against each other, that's a prime example. And that's another thing, we've got to stop seeing eachother as the enemy. The enemy is out there somewhere, he has no face, but he's the powers that be, Babylon.

Bantu Kelani #racist africaspeaks.com

Most whites have calcified pineal glands which thwarts Melatonin
production, therby limiting their moral capacity. Located in the brain,
the tiny pineal & pituitary glands regulate the body's other glands.
Esoteric tradion regards the area of these glands as the third eye, seat
of the soul, and the mystical Uraeus represented by the cobra on the
forehead of Egyptian royalty/crowns. Why did Africans view the European as a child of God, but the Europeans viewed the African as a soulless savage? Because of "melatonin," described as a mentally & morally stimulating humanizing hormone produced by the pineal gland. Scientific research reveals that most whites are unable to prduce much melatonin because their pineal glands are often calcified and nonfunctioning. Pineal calcification rateswith Africans si 5-15%; Asians - 15-25%; Europeans -60-80%! This is the chemical basis for the cultural diffences between Blacks and whites, causing some Black scholars to raise the question that the European approach, that of the logical, erect, ridgid, anti-feeling posture, reflects a left brain orientation and reflects that they lack the chemical key of melatonin to turn on their unconscious and therefore cannot get into feelings. Carol Barnes writes "Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, justice, and righteousness. Individuals (whites) containing low levels of Melanain will behave in a barbaric manner." Melanin give humans the ability to FEEL because it is the absorber of all frequencies of energy. Dr. Welsing wrties "Since melanin is a superior absorber of all energy , it is essential to establish this understanding of God and 'all energy.' The fact thaat the albinos (whties) lack melanin may also help to explain ...why, in the view of many non-white peooples, they (whit4es) lack 'spirituality" and the capacity to tune in to, and therby establish harmony and justice..."