
3zayez #fundie alienmemoirs.typepad.com

Islam is not weak and feeble and it has withstood attacks far more well-planned than a blogger's poorly written diatribes. However, it is not Islam that I am worried about, it is Muslims (especially impressionable ones). I do not know if we stand on common ground regarding the issue of apostasy, but I firmly believe that an apostate who dies as an apostate without repenting will be eternally damned in hell. When a man such as Kareem invites people to commit apostasy and flaunts his utter disrespect to Allah and Islam, this causes two problems. First of all, many people may share his views yet are afraid of coming forward and vociferating these opinions and beliefs, and seeing a precedent will no doubt ease their anxiety. Second, many young and impressionable Muslims may read his drivel and actually be convinced by it. Now this may sound like old Muslim scholar rhetoric to you, but think about it. A 17 year old boy with a very weak foundation in Islam (very common unfortunately) reads something on the internet that convinces him to renounce Allah and Islam, has a car accident the next day and dies. In my belief, he will go to hell. For anyone who believes the same thing, censuring a man such as Kareem to save that 17-year-old far outweighs the benefits of a no-exceptions application of freedom of speech. I, for one, do not want Islamic equivalents of Friedrich Nietzche and Karl Marx to arise because of free speech, and I do not want mosques to become deserted like many European churches today. In conclusion, I am a firm advocate of free speech EXCEPT for the criticism of religion; I am an advocate of a free speech custom-tailored for Islam, and not imported as-is from the West. That is my opinion.