
Hostann #conspiracy anaannblog.wordpress.com

David Duke has finally exposed himself as either having dementia or being the “agent” many, including Tom Metzger have speculated. Duke has never satisfactorily answered the question why he has been able to travel so freely in Europe while so many other “evil” and “wicked” American Racists are banned from travel in the very European Nations Duke has traveled and resided in. Gotta wonder? Duke has indicated he has “provided advice and information to various Far-Right Groups in Europe”,—. really? Based on what? Duke’s own success is marginal at best. In reality, he served more time in prison for ripping off well-meaning donors, using donated funds “for the cause” on his personal vices, than his time as a La State Rep. So, who has Duke been providing advice and information to? The “Far Right Groups” or to you know who on the Far Right Groups”?


Perhaps Duke is the Pide Piper and has been retained to lead White Nationalists in the direction where the system wants them to go?

exploitablegoy #racist anaannblog.wordpress.com

The movement should be anti-Jew- Everything else causes condescension, not to say focusing on the Jew won’t, but that is, after all , the elephant in the room.

Can the room be cleaned before you remove the elephant? No! Can a sinking ship be saved by rearranging deck chairs? No! You have to address the leak and the leak is the Jew. Race Wars is bailing water. You subsidize addressing and finding the leak with bailing water. In other words you do it as necessary. You obsess however on finding the leak

My final analogy on that is my WWE analogy. Vince McMahon is the Jew behind the curtain. The WWE stage event is the world as presented by the Jew. When the “audience”, us, cares who wins on the WWE stage and cheers and boos, the only real winner is Vince, Jew, McMahon. As long as we care about the fight in the arena we will never take on the real fight of rooting out Vince McMahon and dragging him to a real oven that he pretended to have been exposed to in a previous WWE fake match (the holocaust)

I might as well explain “Hitlerian-left and right” Traditional politics are masonic and hide the Jew element as Jews control masonry

Hitlerian left and right are folks who believe in what Hitler stood for (gentiles ruling gentiles) and want to enact it. They have very different interpretations of how to do so but the uniting thing is they want gentiles ruling gentiles. The masonic uniting thing is to perpetuate covert Jew rule. How they go about that varies between left and right but they meet behind the curtain in unity.