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[Note: The sentences with dates after them are links to other articles]

Racism and Black on White Violence in Obamamerika Pt 3

Also see Racism and Black on White Violence in Obamamerika Pt 2

Jesse Jackson says NYPD officer is a murderer for not allowing black teen to shoot and kill another black teen 08/12/2013

Jesse Jackson says that white men who defend themselves from deadly attacks by black men are murderers. He says that black men are being “murdered by vigilantes, police, and security guards.” He then cite two cases, one of which is Shaaliver Douse.
The usual gang of black race hustlers are accusing the NYPD of shooting Douse without just cause.
10,865 Blacks Murdered by OTHER BLACKS Since Trayvon Died — Name One 07/18/2013

To be exact, the shameful truth is that 93% of African-American murders are committed by other African-Americans. That is breathtakingly awful when you consider how incensed the African-American community is about the Trayvon tragedy, no matter what you believe about Zimmerman’s guilt.

Media label black-mob violence ‘mischievous teens’ 04/01/2013

Chicago media are running out of ways to avoid talking about black mob violence.
Over the weekend, 500 black people rampaged through several Chicago neighborhoods: beating, pushing and attacking police and tourists and residents. Even a police horse.
Surge of black violence called ‘urban terrorism’ 01/30/2013

With dozens of episodes over the last five years, Indianapolis has to be near the top of any list of cities with sustained, violent, extensive and numerous cases of black mob violence. This “crisis” of “urban terrorism,” as the new chief of police calls it, is now a regular feature of life in this Midwestern city once thought to be a haven from racial turmoil. The latest examples are focused downtown at the Circle Centre Mall – a gleaming display of downtown redevelopment when it opened in 1996. This multi-story story retail center, connected by covered walkways to nine hotels and the convention center, was once anchored by Nordstrom.
‘Sambo, Uncle Tom n*gger': Self-appointed race cops unleash hate on Cosby and Barkley for Zimmerman remarks 07/19/2013

Think skin color should be the sole deciding factor in how someone thinks, speaks and acts? Then this is the crowd for you.
Cracker and Uncle Thomas 07/19/2013

I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and I’ve got to hand it to the Left – they are gifted moralizers. Nobody can put on a sanctimonious soapboxing spectacle like a Progressive Leftist. Do you believe, for whatever reason, that marriage is between one man and one woman? Then you’re a homophobe. Do you believe that men are generally taller and have larger biceps than women? Then you’re a sexist. Do you believe that people who move to America ought to come here legally and become American? Then you’re a nativist. Do you believe that 16 years of global temperature stability might mean that global warming isn’t actually happening? Then you’re a flat-earther. And, of course, if you disagree about any given issue with a Progressive, you’re a racist. Yep, they have all sorts of fancy words to describe how you don’t agree with them, and they use them all – a lot.
List: Violence, Lawlessness Since Zimmerman Verdict 07/18/2013

The same media that attempted to blame a mother of five in Wasilla, Alaska, for a mass shooting in Arizona (because of her use of standard crosshairs on a campaign map) is the same media that repeatedly described the shockingly lawless Occupy Wall Street movement as “mostly peaceful,” and is now attempting to persuade America that the anti-Zimmerman protests currently being ginned up by an NBC News anchor (MSNBC’s Al Sharpton) are also “mostly peaceful.”
Why Did The Obama Administration “Organize And Manage” Protests Against George Zimmerman? 07/10/2013

Is the Obama administration at least partially responsible for turning the George Zimmerman trial into such a huge national spectacle? Judicial Watch has obtained documents which prove that the Community Relations Service, a division of the Department of Justice, was sent to Sanford, Florida in late March 2012 “to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman“. This included spending quite a bit of money, arranging meetings between the NAACP and local leaders, and providing police escorts for protesters. Someone needs to ask Obama why the federal government was doing this.
History Lesson: Racist Democrats and the Big Lie 03/28/2013

And yet this myth persists — in fact, it’s just about the only response today’s Democrats have to their own sordid history: pinning it on the other guy. It makes them profoundly uncomfortable that among the 21 who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 can be found Albert Arnold Gore, Sr., the founder of the Hillbilly Dynasty; Robert “KKK” Byrd, the Conscience of the Senate; and Sleepin’ Sam Ervin of Watergate fame.
Violent threats follow Detroit takeover 03/28/2013

Jesse Jackson decries ‘plantocracy’ while warnings include disruptions, burning
The official state takeover of Detroit is only newly accomplished, and there are signs that there soon will be unrest, or worse.
Head of National Black Chamber of Commerce on Obama’s priorities: ‘This is not America’ 08/11/2013

Committed to successful black entrepreneurship, Harry C. Alford, Jr. has been president of the National Black Chamber of Commerce since 1993.
During that time, he has spoken out with increasing boldness against the liberal orthodoxy hurting the black community. In 2009, he took on Democratic California Sen. Barbara Boxer at a cap-and-trade hearing, and that video went viral. In this interview with Alford, he continues to boldly confront the politics of government dependency, which he believes stand opposed to the founding principles of capitalism, private property and opportunity.
How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America By Arnold Ahlert 07/26/2013

A new poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal reveals that public perceptions about race relations in America have taken a devastating hit since the election of Barack Obama. At the beginning of the president’s first term, 79 percent of whites and 63 percent of blacks had a positive view of American race relations.