
hinden, Atlanta, GA #conspiracy apps.detnews.com

Mon. 03/29/10 12:41 AM
FBI Raids are NOT what they say

* See related article

These raids are likely trying to "stave off" an announcement due Mon, Mar 29, regarding the total dissolution of the U.S. Corporation (corruption unlimited) which has been ignoring the constitution. The dissolution will revert our country back to the original REPUBLIC in which it was founded. We become "sovereign citizens" who control our govt, and not vice versa. All 50 states were served papers, plus the military and Supreme Court on Friday. The military is onboard. This means freedom FINALLY for all Americans from the IRS and many other wonderful changes. It appears "the powers that be" and the Rockefellers don't want to lose their vice grip, thus the raidsprior to Monday's announcement of the changes. Each person in office must take an oath to the common law and the constitution, or be fired immediately. Many brave citizens behind the scenes have helped in this effort to free us.

The Restore America Plan was suggested by the military, who worked with the group on this procedure. Citizens from all 50 states are involved in its development.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta9wdNGhmj8 (10 min audio clip)


A recording from 3/24 (listen to first 5 mins)