
Vasilios Gardiakos #fundie artmusicdance.com

When I was eighteen years I noticed the 3_4_5 right at the start of pi. I thought it odd that the Pythagorean triplet would begin right at the start of pi but gave it no more thought. Years later I noticed the 1_1_2 at the start of the square root of two and thought that this discovery was strange. These two oddities both at the same position fanned my curiosity. During the many years of examining pi (p), v2 and S I found that these three constants have a very odd interwoven relationship which I illustrate in Document A.

These what I call oddities could not have been made by chance alone on pi, our most popular constant, v2 and S so therefore must been made intentionally. If these oddities are the result of chance alone then one should expect these oddities to appear on many random numbers. This is not the case.
Only one entity could manipulate these three constants to produce oddities that we can detect. Only one entity could do this specifically on these three constants and not on other numbers. It seems that God not only could but has formed the geometry of space and even defined the fundamentals of mathematics. He ingeniously manipulated the geometric fabric and the default mathematics of the universe so that we can detect and analyze the oddities and conclude that only a great intelligence can accomplish this and therefore we can know that God exists.