
Dr. D James Kennedy #fundie atheist-stooges.com


* Tristan Shuddery (He turned over to the dark side!)
* Madalyn Murray O’Hair
* Michael Moore
* Aaron Russo (God won - died of cancer!)
* Cindy Sheehan (Has publicly repented from her sins - God won!)
* Richard Dawkins (Faster than a monkeys uncle)
* Al Franken
* Sam Harris
* Boris Yeltsin (God Won)
* Cho Seung-Hui (God Won)
* Saddam Hussein (God Won)
* Kurt Vonnegut (God Won)
* George Soros
* Sheryl GAY Stolberg
* Casper the Godless Pornographer
* Charles Darwin (God Won)
* Hemant Mehta a.k.a. The Friendly Atheist
* Americans United for Separation of Church and State
* Max Keiser
* Marcel Marceau (God Won)
*Voltaire(God Won) - His printing press which was to be used to destroy Christianity is now being used to print millions of Bibles!

Dr. D James Kennedy #fundie atheist-stooges.com

If Christianity is not true then it is a massive fraud and hoax perpetrated by evil men bent on making the world a place where Christ’s commandment to ‘Love thy neighbor’ reigns supreme, which is the antithesis of the criminal mind, and hence the theory that Christianity is a fraud is entirely incompatible with logic and human nature.

Orin L. Moses #fundie atheist-stooges.com

(From "Letter of refutation to an atheist")

What about the co-existence footprints in the riverbed in the Paluxy River near Glen Rose Texas? Man and dinosaur together? How can that be? It doesn’t fit into our theory of evolution! Even more footprints in the Paluxy riverbed - giants in the land! Gee, genesis talks about this, but we don’t believe it so we will close our eyes and hope it goes away.