
J #fundie atheistexperience.blogspot.com

a woman's clitoris being a focal point of extreme pleasure and the underside near the head of a mans penis being his is all a huge case of random coincidences. i guess our genitalia evolved to experience pleasure. couldn't be because God wanted us to experience these sensations to make us happy and strengthen the bond with your mate while we reproduce.

anonymous #fundie atheistexperience.blogspot.com

You poor Atheist sods , I feel so sorry for the lot of you , you all are so glad that Kent Hovind is out of the way because you could not prove any of his theories wrong and now you can go on and believe in your Religion (evolution).Or do you all believe in nothing? The end of the world is coming you better get your lives right. Deep down you all know that there is a God so stop fooling yourself and go to church.