
John Bartlett #fundie barlaybrainstorm.blogspot.com

"Proud to be an Atheist”

...was printed on the bumper sticker I followed for several stop lights a few weeks ago. It was on a pick-up truck driven by a man in his mid-30's. I guess it shouldn't shock me, but yep... it shocks me that someone could believe there was no God. As I followed his truck on my way home from work I just prayed for him. I didn't know what else to do (although I did think about getting into a wreck with him so that I could try and work God into the ensuing conversation). I wanted to talk to him to see if I could reason with him.

If only he knew what I and so many others know to be true.

You know, I'm so blessed to have such great Christian friends and a great Christian family. I think sometimes I'm so surrounded by all those folks that I forget how many people out there are lost and don't know (or refuse to believe) the salvation that is so easily available to them.

It reminded me that this is why we do what we do [at the Church]. We should be reaching out to people like this in creative, compelling, and non-judgmental ways every chance we get; not just at the Church but in our everyday lives. Jesus has called us to be fishers of men (note He didn't say "catchers of men"). We should leave the catching up to God, but we have the responsibility to continuously cast our line out there.

I feel such a passion for this. I'm totally serious here... I was actually trying to figure out how I could talk to this guy! If I didn't think he'd punch me for wrecking his truck I probably would've done it!