
the truth #fundie christianguitar.ws

I agree with the KJV onlyism. Has anyone actually done any study on this subject. I used to read the NIV. BUt I had a problem with all the times Christ name was ommitted. so I did some honest study and came to my conclusion For example in Phil 4:13 it says I can do all things through him who Stregthens me(NIV) . Who is HIm Mohhamed Buddha COnfuscious NO it is Christ so why the ommission

the truth #fundie christianguitar.ws

I find it funny how so many dislike Chick tracts and usually the reason why is is exposure of the false religions. Chick speaks the truth in love. Remember the Pharisees killed Jesus because he exposed their hypocrisy. God bless.

Acquinas #fundie christianguitar.ws

For the example of seasons: The earth's tilt causes the seasons because the sun is closer to one hemisphere than it is to another. There is the naturalistic explanation. But, What caused heat variation to exist instead of heat equilibrium so that the sun is more hot than the earth?