
Father Simeon #fundie coconutwireless.blogtownhall.com

Muhammad was taken by the throat by the devil, whom he assumed to be the Angel Gabriel. Remember that the Holy Arch-Angel Gabriel appeared to the Blessed Virgin and announced to her the Great Joy and salvation of humanity that was about to be manifested within her—and Holy Mary said “Yes.” No throttling of the throat, no threats of annihilation. Holy Angels of God do no such thing! Even St. Michael the Arch-Angel did not bring himself to hurl even a railing accusation at lucifer on his own, but deferred instead to the Almighty and simply said..."may God Himself rebuke you, satan!"

Muhammad, in reality, experienced a demonic attack, and soon afterward he appears to have succumbed totally to such, and vowed to destroy the Christians and Jews...and everybody else who would not submit to his religion and authority.