
David Wheaton #fundie codebluerally.com

My duffel bags had barely touched the dorm room floor when two tennis teammates-to-be barged through the door with pitchers of beer in hand. It may have been the middle of the afternoon, but the party had already started. Girls and guys roamed the co-ed dorm, checking out their new surroundings. Classes started the next day, and I kid you not, I had neither pen nor paper. The first assignment in Great Works of Western Culture, a required freshman class, was to read the books of Genesis and Job. “Easy enough,” I thought, since I came from a Christian background and was familiar with the Bible. Imagine my disbelief when the professor and other students ridiculed the Bible and mocked God for the “stupid” way He dealt with mankind. I had never heard “"God” and “stupid” in the same sentence before! I was so stunned; I didn’t know what to say.

The night life was just as shocking. It was as if all moral restraint had been lifted from the campus. Drunkenness and sexual activity were seemingly everywhere. The overall scene brought to mind images of wanton sailors coming ashore at a foreign port of call. Surely this wasn't Stanford—it was Sodom!

Why was I so surprised by my introduction to college? After all, I had heard what college was like. I had already seen and experienced a taste of campus life on college recruiting visits. I was no potted plant—I had been out of my own backyard plenty of times.

But this was different—way different. I was now living full-time in the midst of a world diametrically opposed to the one I had grown up in—there would be no returning home to Mommy and Daddy every night. I would soon find out that an excellent upbringing coupled with academic and athletic success was no match for the maelstrom called college. The waters were baited, the sharks were circling—spiritual shipwreck loomed.

Code Blue Rally website writer #fundie codebluerally.com

[Why you need to go to the "Code Blue Rally," which is a traveling day-long seminar done at churches about fundamentalist "apologetics" and "worldview".]

Researchers continue to come up with increasingly grave statistics that explain how serious the condition is. Among Christian adults:

64% believe moral truth depends on the situation;
60% believe male/female co-habitation outside of marriage is acceptable;
55% believe a good person can earn his or her salvation;
44% believe Jesus Christ committed sins while on earth.

And consider the peril of college students:
67% of college professors approve of homosexuality;
84% of professors approve of abortion;
65% embrace socialist and communist ideals;
88% of students from “Christian” homes deny their faith before they graduate from college;
91% of students from evangelical churches do not believe in absolute moral truth.

Recognizing the life-and-death nature of the issue, the Southern Baptist Convention, to its credit, has even done a self-study and found that 88% of young people from SBC homes deny their faith before they graduate from college.

After fielding questions and e-mails from thousands of students, Worldview Weekend can tell you they are eager for worldview training. In fact, they’re dying for it (pun intended). What they cannot figure out is why you are not interested and why you think they would not be interested. They even wonder why you don’t make them go through worldview training regardless of whether they say they want to or not. After all, your kids were not interested in eating their vegetables, but you made them. They didn’t want to sit in a car seat or wear a seat belt, but you insisted. They balked at having to check in with you and tell where they were going with their friends, but you required it. You were resolute in making sure they were physically nurtured and protected, but they think you’ve thrown them to the wolves spiritually.

Most students say they did not learn enough Bible content growing up to enable them to make biblical life decisions, let alone defend essential Christian doctrines in the face of vicious opposition. That is because no one made them. Hence, CODE BLUE is upon us. Many of the 88% that are denying their faith before they graduate from college never return because they were never truly saved; they are false converts.