
Don McAllister #fundie de-conversion.com

If you think that there is a good chance that nothing happens when you leave this world, that is, when you die, then I would have to say that the burden of proof is on you, because I have a book here that tells me what happens, where your conclusion is based on an assumption.

Yurka #fundie de-conversion.com

You atheists are like parasites, vampires. You are able to thrive off of the vibrancy, and liveliness of this Christian nation you inhabit.
Do you really want to end it all? You won’t have the stomach to stand against militant Islam - that would be so intolerant and un-PC, wouldn’t it? You don’t want to be bothered raising kids right? Just DINK yourselves out of existence and let Christians raise up soldiers to defend you.

Yurka #fundie de-conversion.com

You might find it interesting to take this stroll through the wolf pen, but remember - you don’t know these people. This is just another case of artificial cyber interaction. They care nothing about you. If anything bothers you, go first to your family, pastor, friends, etc. Study the bible, commentaries, etc. to show yourself to be approved - a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.