
David Ben Yakov #fundie delusionresistance.org

It is interesting to note some statistics that have come to light in recent years. First, we must remember that 1963 was when evolution received federal funding as it applies to education. Before 1963 the average grade school textbook had somewhere between one thousand and fifteen hundred words on the subject of evolution. After 1963 that number took a dramatic jump to right around 34,000 words on the subject of evolution. In nature, such jumps usually take on catastrophic tolls. Just take for example the El Nino floods out here in California back in 1996. In Sacramento we usually get anywhere from 17 to 20 inches of rain a year and it mostly comes in the rainy season which lasts from the end of November till right around the middle of April. But, in the winter of 1995/1996 we received around 42 inches of rain. The result was flooding like I have never seen before. Now, that was only a 100 percent difference over normal; not the mega increases that we'll see below. Let's look at what evolution has gotten us:

Sexually transmitted diseases - Gonorrhea: ages 15-16 - Up 226%

Scholastic Aptitude Test Scores - Decline in Student - From 980 in 1963 to 900 in 1990

Divorce Rates - Up 111% since 1963

Unmarried Couples - Up 536% since the mid 1960's

Unwed Birth Rates - Up 325% since 1963

Pregnancies To Girls Ages 10 thru 14 - Up 553% since 1963. The difference between the two figures is being aborted.

Violent Crime Offenses - Up 995% since 1963.

The statistics don't lie and it isn't just a coincidence that these statistics have escalated. When you start teaching people that they are only animals they start acting like animals.