
Richard Boylan Ph.D #conspiracy drboylan.com


The information I am about to share can be disturbing. Do not panic but DO prepare to become active. Please read this report to the very end before drawing any conclusions about an appropriate response.

This information is derived from the Zeta and other Star Visitors who have been remote-viewing Earth’s very near future. Their remote-viewing results were relayed to a Native American friend of mine during a special close-encounter briefing. I assisted this Native American woman to recall every detail via hypnotic regression. The accuracy of the details was later corroborated to me by Star Nations. Additionally three other Star Seeds received the same future vision.

There is an asteroid headed on a collision course with Earth. It is 8/10 of a mile long and 6/10 of a mile wide (1.4 km long by 1 km wide).
On its current course it would be due to impact the North Atlantic at about 2:30-3:00 pm EDT on November 15, 2008.

A remote-viewing psychic on my team saw that the Nov. 15 asteroid’s impact would create an extremely-powerful downward pressure wave that would precipitate the eruption of a massive volcano on the seabed floor which would grow to almost the ocean’s surface, causing weather and ocean navigation challenges.

Some within the U.S. military are already aware of this threat. My remote viewer saw that Cabal-controlled elements within the U.S. military would field a huge submersible sea vessel which would break up through the Arctic pack ice and surface to launch multiple long-range missiles into space in an attempt to break up this asteroid. But their efforts will be not precise, and they would, if successful, make things worse by breaking up the huge asteroid into still-deadly gigantic parts, which then threaten an even wider section of Earth. The Cabal deliberately want to use conventional warheads, rather than nuclear ones, in order to make sure that the asteroid reaches Earth in salvageable pieces, because its surface is made of a super-hard element unknown on Earth, and the Cabal want to gather that element to fashion impregnable weaponry. While a salvo of nuclear missiles might eliminate the asteroid threat, the Cabal are more interested in weapons superiority obtained from the asteroid's mineral content than how many people would die if it hit Earth's surface.

As this grim picture was presented, I determined that the situation was beyond Human capacity to remedy by ourselves in the time available to us to act.

I therefore (as Earth's represntative to Star Nations) made a formal request to Star Nations’ Council to intervene to deflect this asteroid from its foreseen impact course. This request was agreed to by Star Nations with the provision that Humans also had to get involved in this Exercise to deflect this asteroid.

And so it was decided that Humans will engage in a Joint Psychic Project to utilize our collective telekinesis abilities to exert together to deflect this asteroid from its collision course with Earth. And Star Nations will join with us, utilizing both their telekinetic powers, and any necessary advanced technology, to redirect this asteroid safely away from Earth.

Everyone is invited to join in this upcoming special Joint Psychic Exercise on November 15, 10:30 am, PST,/ 1:30 pm, EST,/ 18:30 hrs. UTC/ Greenwich Mean Time/ZULU, to unite and exercise our psychic power of telekinesis to redirect this asteroid safely away from Earth before it travels any serious distance into our atmosphere. Star Nations will be joining us with their telekinetic powers and, if needed, their advanced technology.

And recognize that through this Joint Exercise we Humans will be entering into another collaborative Human-Star Nations effort to help make sure that Humankind makes it to that future point where we will have advanced enough to be admitted into cosmic citizenship as the newest inhabited planet to achieve an advanced state of civilization.

Thank you.