
Marandia #fundie electsake.com

It has been scientific proven that the molecular structure of water changes when it is prayed over. It’s structure becomes more organized and symmetric. Even if you don’t believe in the use of Holy Water the fact that the body is mostly water proves that prayer does have a positive effect on the body as well.

Marandia #fundie electsake.com

I listened to a lecture a few years back about a study that was done on food. They used the same meals made from the same ingredients. Two were prepared by a loving mom for her family, two were made by an indifferent chief, and two were made by an agitated worker. They did this over and over with lots of different people and found that the same meal from the same ingredients was significantly nutritionally different depending on the emotional state of the person preparing it. More than that they found that the recipients body was able to much greater utilize the nutrients available once the meals had been prayed over. They found that the moms’ meals had the highest nutrition value, the most symmetric molecular structure, and the recipients bodies absorbed the most nutrients from it of the 3 unsprayed for controls. The chiefs’ meals were much less beneficial to the body and the meals made by the agitated workers actually cause detrimental effects to the body. Very little nutrition was absorbed from it at all and it caused an explosion of free radicals to be released in the body. In all cases the meals were prayed over and in all cases the meals ability to be used by the body improved. But the meal prepared with love and then prayed over was so much more beneficial to the body then the others that the scientist concluded, if they could find out why it could cut our food intake by 2/3. It was a very interesting lecture to say the least.

Crowned One #conspiracy electsake.com

[Audiences experience Avatar blues, are depressed because Pandora isn't real.]

This tells me with absolute certainty that the movie AVATAR was created as a propaganda piece. Not only propaganda, but mind altering propaganda. I had heard that the movie was pro-pagan, anti-human, pro-communistic in nature. Now it seems by this article that it's purpose was indeed to make people hate people, and the world we live in. Perfect for the eugenics / depopulation agenda. It seems that James Cameron is a master craftsman in the line of hypnotic mind control. Perhaps the reasoning behind the 3-D glasses?

Crowned One #fundie electsake.com

I hold homeschoolers in admiration. I did not homeschool, and my sons show it. I was far too worldly. One is so entranced by the educational system that he is pursuing a master's. In and of itself, this should be a good thing. But it has made him so extremely progressive and angry I don't know him anymore. He seeks out philosopher's and holds their thoughts as gospel. Very sad situation. The other? Complete opposite. Neither wants anything to do with God, for which I am to blame.