www.en.wikinews.org #fundie en.wikinews.org

It scares the crap out of me that our president will not pledge alliegiance to our flag. Our nation, in its poor condition, has chosen a man who cares nothing about america and has virtually no plan for it. It is an abomination that our nation has chosen Barack Hussein Obama II, a man who has the single most liberal voting record in the senate, and voted 'present' 90% of the time he was a senator. If America was attacked under his leadership and he was asked what to do, what would he say? Surely saying "I'm here! present!" wouldn't help much. When our stock market crashes, his mere presence in the white house won't soothe our wounds. When the beauty of marriage is mocked by homosexuals, his presence in the white house will not be enough to preserve the sacred tradition between MAN AND WOMAN. When the nation's film industry becomes too liberal to produce 'family-friendly' programming, his presence in the white house will not cleanse the minds of every child in America who is exposed to the trash. When a baby is murdered before it ever gets a chance to breath on its own, Barack Hussein Obama will not be touched by its cries.. In fact, he supports ALL TYPES of abortion, NO MATTER HOW LATE it is.. Barack Hussein Obama symbolizes the infedelity of our nation because by chosing this individual, we have killed countless more babies, "married" hundreds of homosexuals, crashed our stock markets, and poured trash into our children's minds. If you have voted for Obama, BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! If you did not, I commend you. I warn you, the end has come not only for America, but for all of mankind. The day of reckoning is coming for the earth and God will rature all of his followers on that day. ARE YOU READY!!?

Michael Guglielmucci #fundie en.wikinews.org

Christian Pastor for the Planetshakers youth movement in Australia Michael Guglielmucci has admitted that his cancer is a hoax. Wikinews has also learned that one of the churches he preached at has had videos showing his claims of cancer removed from YouTube, claiming copyright infringement. He has also admitted to being addicted to pornography for over 16 years.