
Yvette Schneider #fundie exodusyouth.net

[Exodus is the largest group of ex-gay ministries; they now target youth, including young women who experiment bisexually. Yvette Schneider is an ex-lesbian. This is in response to the song "I Kissed A Girl."]

Our combined experiences and the cultural influence we receive through music, television and movies all can have a collective influence on the direction our lives end up taking. To think that the music we listen to will not affect us is to discount the power that art has to stimulate our emotions and our minds. That is what artists strive to accomplish every time they produce a piece of art.

Rather than entertain thoughts about sexual experimentation and planting kisses on unsuspecting strangers, it would serve you better to spend your care-free years hanging out with your friends and just being young. That way, you won’t have to explain to your fiancé about the years you spent kissing girls and experimenting with your sexuality.

Men, just like women, want to feel special on their wedding night. They do not want you to give them what lots of other people already have, but what has been reserved especially for them. Then when you’re an adult, you won’t hear songs from your younger years that remind you of the poor decisions you made. Instead, you will hear familiar songs that remind you of your old friends and how much fun you had together.