
The Baron #fundie hardcorepolitics.com

“They were theists, which means that in the context of this thread, they are included in the category ‘religious murders’ as opposed to ‘atheist murders’.” – Synner

The Baron Response:

Speaking of “broadening definitions”—

I am aware that the Romans were pagans but I am simply curious as to how they are “theists”?

Once again, explain.

By way of concession, if you would like to include Islam in your category of “religious murders” then I welcome you in doing so.

Always glad to help, ya know!

But you may wish to check Zakath’s original post. He specifically mentions “Christians” (although the article he posted does not).

I have simply been defending Christians by posting the rather obvious barbarism of atheistic / non-Christian states as supported by facts.

faithful_servant #fundie hardcorepolitics.com

So a fossil that has characteristics of both salamanders and frogs is a transitional fossil? How do you know that it's not a specie unto itself? What we'd like to see is not an apparent one-shot fossil, but a sequence of transitional forms. Show me a pre-T. rex and some of the transistional forms between it and the final T. rex (or any other specie). The reality is that you don't see this, what you see is long periods of relative stability, interspersed with very short periods of sudden change. That's what the fossil record shows, not slow changes. Now, keep in mind that I'm an Old Earth Creationist, so I believe that this universe is billions of years old and that life did come about in an orderly fashion of development. I just believe that mathematical improbability of random evolution is so huge that there has to be a guiding intelligence behind this development.

XenoSapien #fundie hardcorepolitics.com

Originally Posted by Dora
Now, how about a straight answer, instead of a question:

What should happen if a woman is pregnant, and her dr finds she has cancer and needs immediate treatment to save her life. That treatment is deadly to a fetus. Should the mother do without treatment, have the baby & die - or should she abort her baby, have treatment and live?

Xenosapien Response:
ANSWER FOR THE XENOSAPIEN IMPAIRED: If the woman has cancer that will kill her in nine months, she would have been diagnosed WELL before a pregnancy, as any cancer WILL NOT KILL A HUMAN IN THE SPAN OF NINE MONTHS. Hence, the woman should have KNOWN, hence should have kept HER pants on.

Easyrider #fundie hardcorepolitics.com

Every Friday at High School Football Games
all across Texas, A Prayer is said in the locker
room by BOTH Teams led by the Coach.
then the WHOLE Stadium stands for the
National Anthem followed by a
Prayer led by a Preacher or Deacon.
Usually "Our Father"
Texan's don't fool around when it
comes to GOD or JESUS..
I've seen people get punched out
for disrepect when it comes to GOD
and The Flag! :thumbsup:

That's the way it should be!

doughgirl #fundie hardcorepolitics.com

Bottom line guys, evolution DEMANDS DEATH. Death is as natural to evolution as it is to creation in the Bible. Hitler figured that one out and today we are following in those same footsteps——.all using the word, CHOICE. The practices of Germany conformed to evolution—..and there are those today that have similar views and are trying to put them in place. They might not be German but nevertheless the ideals are the same just carried out in a different, less threatening manner.

Doughgirl #fundie hardcorepolitics.com

Criticize the Bible all you want, you have that right.

"Science is based upon verifiable evidence." Richard Dawkins

Where is the evidence, the verifiable evidence for evolution? Where is the missing link? Just one fossil as evidence and evolution would be the winner.

Mountains and mountains of fossils over millions of years........and scientists cant even find ONE.

Your so smart.......where are they?