
rthomas4 #conspiracy huntingclub.com

The anti-gun crowd has begun their backdoor approach to gun control. They have a President and Vice President on their side, along with an attorney general, a Secretary of State, and a White House Chief of Staff. These people have their positions because George Soros and Michael Bloomberg bought and paid for those jobs. Soros now has the UN pushing his agenda, which this administration is supporting, for the unilateral gun-ban treaty. This will give the UN authority to suspend our Constitutional rights. The idiots who run the liberal media in this country, are too stupid to realize that after the Second Amendment is abolished, the First Amendment will not be far behind.

The false stories, the twisted facts, and the plain old lies that are being foisted on the American public by these liberals and their followers can only end in disaster for the US as we know it. The UN will become the "One World Government", and Soros will have his pawn, Obama as the titular head of this government.

The Blue Helmets will be coming, and they are coming to take away our guns, as well as our Constitution.