
Stephen Choate #fundie identitynetwork.net

[Choate talks about... Choate.]

Requesting a gift for a prophetic word- We believe it is only right when you give when requesting for a prophetic word.A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight(Proverbs 11:1) This ministry is only in existence because of your financial support. Without your money given, Stephen would not be full-time. He would be forced to work in the world because of money. When you support his work in God, you give to God. Why? Because this is the LORD's work. Since you can never out-give God, you will always receive a return. Not just financially, but by the supernatural gift Stephen has. Some people think we are charging for the word of the LORD, when we are not. We are allowing you access into Stephen's private life. This access can only be created by money, which is your gift.You are paying for the access, by the gift you give. When you honor a prophet, you receive the prophet's reward. Honor will return to you because Stephen is truly God's.