
Michael Bunker #fundie #homophobia lazarusunbound.com

Many of you have cause and effect out of whack. Surely God destroyed New Orleans because of its wickedness and rampant homosexuality. But New Orleans was homosexual because New Orleans was Catholic. New Orleans’ Catholicity and her other wicked attributes were inextricably linked. Most people will be shocked to learn that Haiti was not the center of Voodoo and Santeria in the world, New Orleans was. Voodoo and Santeria are both pagan earth religions heavily mixed liberally with (or rooted in) Catholicism. The mixture is easy because Voodoo and Santeria practitioners are comfortable and at home with Catholicism. In truth, Santeria priests are merely honest Catholic priests. Voodoo priests are merely honest Catholic priests. They are honest about what spirits they are invoking and the demonic and devilish nature of their practices. There is a reason that Anne Rice (author of many books on Vampires and Witches) and other adherents to Satanism and fans of the “undead” felt at home in New Orleans, and it wasn’t homosexuality. It was Catholicism and the demonic stronghold of wicked ecclesiastical power that drew witches, warlocks and the lovers of the dark side to New Orleans.