
Trialfa Omega #conspiracy nungkyyiiinstitute.com

[Part of an article claiming that children with ADHD are really the new "Aquarian" race.]

The process of human evolution has produced five distinct races of Earthlings over the course of history. Life began with the Polarian race, and evolved into the Hyperborean race, then into the Lemurian race, and further into the Atlantian race. The fifth and present race is called the Aryan race. Evolution is preparing for the development of the sixth race – a race more mentally gifted with extraordinary brain capabilities than any of it predecessors. This up and coming evolving race is called the Aquarian race.

Today’s children are extremely fortunate recipients of the most dynamic developments of human nature, especially the progression of the human brain. The brain’s development from intellect to intuition will bring about much greater levels of mental capabilities in consciousness, intelligence and spirituality than has ever been witnessed before. Aquarian rays of energy that are permeating our planet will resonate neuron cells and the brain’s alpha frequency will register wisdom on a higher cosmic realm, producing thought of a new reality. This new revolution of thought will find its grounds of fertilization and development in the minds of the young. These children are either rebelling against the conformity of the present day reality or highly intelligent and conscious of the need of a greater reality. These highly gifted minds are being called Aquarian Children. They are the parents of the future Aquarian race.