
Andy Salazar #conspiracy paranormal.about.com

This took place here in Muscatine, Iowa. It was late fall 1984. I had turned into an alley... and that's all I remember. My wife said the next morning I got home at about 10:15. That night, when I turned in the alley, it was 8:00. That morning I looked over the car for hair, clothing, blood/ I thought I had hit somebody and had a blackout. It took about ten years to remember.

When I try to remember, it's like hitting a wall. Here's what I remember: I remember braking halfway down the alley, the steering wheel hitting my chest, and it made me slump over my face on the wheel. Looking out the driver's side window, by the window, was this creature or alien looking at me. He was very tall and slender, big head, and big black eyes. He was curious about me. I could see him picking up his arm so he could bring it inside the car, because his arms were long. I remember this creature putting his hand and long fingers on my chest and throwing me back so he could get a good look at me. I could also see another one coming... and that's where it ends.

About a month after the incident, I changed my life, quit smoking cigarettes and cigars, quit drinking beer, and went to church. I even got baptized a Nazarene. Strange things happened after that: the feeling of being watched or something in my house. The last strange thing that happened was about 1993. I was cutting grass and remembered I had a dentist appointment, so instead of taking a bath, I washed up with a wash cloth. I was washing my stomach area by my naval when something popped out of my naval! It was less than an inch long, was multi-colored, and had the shape of a football. I picked it up tried to break it with my fingers, but couldn't. It might have been a tracking device.