
David #conspiracy skepticforum.com

David comments- Clearly you have a lot more learning to do
on what was the "evidence" presented by the Soviets, their
Polish lackeys, and the British regarding the 1.5 million dead at
Majdanek....beside the already presented "more careful investigative surveys of the Soviet Extraordinary Commission", you seem ignorant of
the British and Soviet showtrials....all capped by the hanging of various
Germans. Newspapers were the least of it.

By the way, I am not ignoring any evidence of demographic losses.
You may be absolutely correct that all the deported Austrian Jews died in out of the way places in occupied Soviet Union.

but that is a very different policy than is presented by the Ugly Myth,
The Ugly Myth has it that National Socialist scientists had created huge
Factories of Death at Auschwitz and Majdanek to kill Jews, Poles, Roma, etc. in modern "gas chambers".

The point of the discussion is to understand what really happened
and what really was German policy. I think the Germans had
different policies depending on the time and country.

My point regarding the Austrian Jews is not particularly that you are
wrong but that the Ugly Myth of centralized Death Factories at
Auschwitz and Majdanek is incorrect.

You say you could quickly tell that the Majdanek figures were too high
just by looking at the transport lists but, I point out to you again, Why did it take 60 years for your fellow Believer historians to get it right?

I suggest that it is because the Ugly Myth still contaminates honest