
Malcolm Bowden #fundie stationaryearth.org

For thousands of years, people believed that the Earth was stationary and that the sun orbited us as all the references in the Bible talk about the Earth being fixed and the sun doing the moving.

In the 1500’s, Polish astronomer Copernicus published a book which put forward a theory that the Earth was in fact orbiting the sun and that it was the sun that was the centre of the universe.

This has since been dropped in favour of another theory which proposes that the Earth is just an insignificant spec in the universe, and it is this theory that we accept today and have been conditioned to believe all of our lives. But is it true?
On this web site, Malcolm Bowden reveals 4 scientific experiments that prove that the Biblical view is correct and that we do live in a geocentric universe.

Why does this destroy the evolution theory? - It proves the universe was planned.