
Jack Wright #fundie thenewsstar.com

People who ascribe to intelligent design believe that it is no accident that our kind of life could only occur when the temperature, rainfall and everything else was exactly right on this planet. Intelligent design is a secular interpretation of scientific data — consistent with the Bible but not drawn from it.

There are numerous other examples of intelligent design in the origin and development of our universe. But the scientific evidence points out that our universe was designed for life.

Intelligent design depends on logic from scientific data, for example:

n Whatever begins to exist has a cause.

n The universe began to exist.

n Therefore the universe has a cause.

Every student should be presented with Darwin's theory of evolution and the various theories of intelligent design. Each student has a right to evaluate the evidence and reach his or her own conclusions. That student can conclude that the creation of this universe was blind luck and choose atheism or intelligent design and choose theism. Some may decide to choose neither.

The classroom is no place for people who believe in censorship and don't accept "that whosoever knew the truth, put to worse, a free and open encounter."