
James #conspiracy thescienceofeating.com

Bottom line QUIT TAKING THESE POISONOUS PRESCRIPTION DRUGS!!! They do more harm than good. I speak from experience. I am going against my doctor and will take myself off the medication I’m currently on. Tried talking to my doctor and it was like talking to a brick wall. Don’t tell me that only a prescription drug made in a factory can prevent or treat blood clots, that is BS!! The doctors are in this business to MAKE MONEY! They don’t really care about your health. They can’t benefit from the natural medication so therefore they will be against it. Change your diet, more water, exercise, eliminate the sweets, soda pop, fried foods (at least in moderation and always balance with fruits & veggies). You should be A-OK. Quit taking these doctors word as law, they are not God, and many of you would eat dog dookie if your doctor would prescribe it to you.