
RealDataIsBest #conspiracy voices.washingtonpost.com

Fox News is the most unbiased source of news! If you don't think so, watch it for a week, then go back to CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. you will then see the bias. If you look up their stories yourself, you will see that they don't put anywhere near the bias, that the MSM does.

There is a reason why their viewership is higher than any other cable news source, and on some shows higher than the regular networks.

wonder.gurl #fundie voices.washingtonpost.com

Clearly obama is desperate, pro muslim, certainly not a Christian; (see him speak about his 'muslim faith', and discredit the Bible on you tube), and not above the same campaign tactics that got nixon impeached............unless you want to see sharia law in the usa and want to wear a burka in the land of the free.....you really should do some homework on your own before you push that button....